Reading Time: < 1 minute (Updated) I used the revenue number from company report and calculated the growth rate, using google spreadsheet. Revenue, in thousand of $, the following columns may not align right, click the G speadsheet above if you like. FY ending 3/31/2007 3/31/2008 growth rate 3/31/2009 growth rate Q1 9238 11530 24.81% ? Q2 11204 20200 80.29%

November 27, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I went to do my annual eye exam today. I noticed they offer an add-on service named QuantifEye(R), which is a macular degeneration test cost $20 (not covered by insurance). Curious about the test, and because I worked a lot before computers (thought that would make my eyes aging faster than my parents), I did

November 27, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes The other day, I heard some interesting words on the TV: If you want to be happy for a day, buy a lottery ticket; if you want to be happy for a week, buy a new car; if you want to be happy for a year, (don’t remember exactly) buy a new house; if you

November 26, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I heard these UGG shoes (boots more exactly) from my friend Sophie not long ago. Today when I visited the west county mall, I stopped by the Journeys and Nord Strom, and I saw those boots were both displayed on the predominant spots. Not surprisingly, I also saw quite a few people are wearing those

November 25, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute “For every Focus Media, there are 10 AirMedia or VisionChina Media”. I took bus and taxi from time to time when I was in Shanghai, because I don’t have my own car. One thing I notice is those LCD screens on bus, metro and taxi. There are news on the bus LCD, the ones in

November 25, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute “万科不鼓励炒房”, the original Chinese article is here at 21cbh. <21世纪>:万科怎么看待炒房客? 王石:在高档住宅方面,万科占的比例很小,同时万科也不鼓励炒房。这不是说你要炒房我们就不卖给你房子,但是我们在合同当中是有一些限制,不鼓励炒房。我们有一条规定,买了万科的房子,在房产证交给你之前,你要办过户手续万科是不给办的。当然,办了房产证之后,你要炒那是你自己的事,跟万科没有关系。 <21世纪>:怎么看待外国人到内地炒房?国内房价高企多少应该归因于海外炒家? 王石:现在这种势头还是有的,尤其人民币升值吸引大量热钱往里进。海外购房者不可能成为中国购房的主力军,国内的房价也不可能是外资购房者哄抬起来的,就连香港这么国际化的地方,你能说香港的房价是外来投资者支撑的吗?中环的高档写字楼那些另当别论,光看住宅的话,更多的还是当地购房者购买,因为人口比例在那里摆着呢。 万科的开发是针对主流市场,当然我们开发的高档住房,外来投资者占的比例可能达到20%,但主流市场一定不是他们。举个例子,香港居民到深圳购房的比例都不超过8%。 My take: house flipping has been highly profitable in the past few years. Besides the famous Wenzhou housing flippers, I have heard brokage firm such as E-Housing (NYSE:EJ) has made money from this too. But Vanke is not interested in making

November 25, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute for Chinese stock market? It looks more and more like it, after two brutal weeks for many small investors/speculators in China. Here is an old article from (via JinRongJie). The title is 泡沫不死 挤压不止. From my observation, it is very rare that a prime minister would comment the stock market directly. But again this

November 24, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Copied from DanBin’s blog. 2007年感恩节礼物——人生八宝 人生八宝: 1、结交两个好友:运动场,图书馆。 2、配备两个医生:运动,乐观。 3、练好两项本领:做人,做事。 4、多吃两样东西:吃苦,吃亏。 5、构建两个支柱:人文知识,科学素养。 6、追求两个一致:兴趣和事业一致,爱情和婚姻一致。 7、记住两个秘诀:健康秘诀在早上,成功秘诀在晚上。 8、争取两个极致:把潜力发挥到极致,把生命延续到极致。 生命如歌 感恩无言 为你祝福! 这是我的友人发给我的2007年感恩节礼物 与博友分享,也祝福你们!

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes My wife joked with me that I ONLY got talktive and excited when talking about the stocks. I know that is largely true, and that was the case with yesterday evening’s gathering with my old friends. The good thing is unlike my wife, my friends are also interested in stocks. For me, it is always

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I got this GE 5.8 GHz cordless phone and Logitech QuickCam, at Office Depot (near Clayton and Big Bend). The phone costs $4.99 after mail-in rebate, and two QuickCams cost $9.99 after MIR, plus tax. It appears to me OfficeDepot has some deals that BestBuy or Circuit City don’t offer. Another nice thing is OD

November 23, 2007
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