Reading Time: < 1 minute (Jan 31) Read this piece from Shui Pi, a reknown Chinese stock columnist. Quote a paragraph here: 统计表明,2007年中国资本市场融资再融资的规模近8000亿,而印花税为2005亿,两者相加近10000亿,相当于流动市值的十分之一。这笔钱是从市场中拿走的,基本上不可再生。如果2008年的主板融资规模维持不变,那么再加预期中的创业板的融资规模和大非解禁的资金数量,增量资金的需求量就是一个天文数字。2008年的股市有那么乐观吗?He is saying, the transaction cost plus the new IPO last year totaled RMB 1 trillion, which is about 10% of the total market float. (Original) After recent brutal selling of Chinese domestic market, it appears some “blue
Reading Time: < 1 minute I thought about it early Jan. after reading from San Jose Mercury News that VMW is the No. 4 software company, in terms of market capital (about $30 b as of yesterday). But I put down the earning date (Jan 28) on my Google Calendar (not Yahoo), and it did not send out reminder email
Reading Time: < 1 minute I heard about the snow storm in China, and it hurt the “going home crowd” in terms of traffic. The situtation seems much more severe than I thought, from read the blog post from DBANotes and Wang Jianshuo. In recently days the Chinese stock market has dropped a lot too. Similar to the temporature. But
Reading Time: < 1 minute Q&A about housing price in China, by Vanke (000002.SZ) Chairman Wang Shi. He wrote those Q&A in his own blog. I put it together here because it’s a bit hard to read 7 articles separately. I left out couple tables because it’s hard to paste. I’m interested in the Chinese housing for two reasons: 1)
Reading Time: 2 minutes (eBay headquater, Sillicon Vally, 2008, copyright@Shanzi) Who is Meg Whittman? She is the CEO of eBay, and has been in that position for almost ten years, and she is leaving the job on March 31. I don’t personally know her (my friend Wang Jianshuo may have seen her). But from the CNBC show “eBay effect”,
Reading Time: 2 minutes Did you watch TV yesterday? Did you notice anything different on CNBC, CNN (Larry King, Glenbeck)? CNBC combined the Larry Kudlow with Fast Money, invited lots of experts, from econmist to fund managers, all trying to give us an overview of what happened in the stock market? Glennbeck got John Bogle, the founder of Vanguard
Reading Time: < 1 minute Not so good. iPod growth slowed (finanlly). iPhone can not make up the hole left by iPod. As I read from MarketWatch, while Mac is exploding, but it has one problem: with economy slowing, people won’t blow extra 1000 bucks for Mac (why not just buy a Dell). I think Steve should do everything to
Reading Time: < 1 minute William Ding Lei is the founder, and Chairman of NetEase. He talked a little on the bubble in the stock markets during an interview lately (link here). I shared Ding Lei’s insights because he has been through the full cycle of the stock market: right after NetEase (NTES) came to Nasdaq in 2000, the dot
Reading Time: < 1 minute I waked up at 5:30 this morning, and turned on CNBC. I knew all the markets are down last night, but I am still curious what the US market will look. One of the reporter in Tokyo says all the eyes are on the US Fed (hint a 75 base point cut). I went back
Reading Time: < 1 minute Shui Pi, the editor-in-chief of ChinaTimes, predicted this China drop (or crash) in his paper. Here is the link to his article. Quoted some here: 水皮杂谈:第二次“5·30”的概率有多大 2007年的最后一期水皮杂谈,题目是“何时才能满仓等待暴跌?”,文章缘起和讯的编辑对水皮的采访,其时上证指数在4700点附近,水皮的结论是对于大多数的股票而言,已经错失满仓等待暴跌的机会了。因为绝大多数的股票在11月中旬上证指数单针探底5000点时已经探明了底部,在此后一个月上证指数的反复下探过程中,大多数的股票不但没有随风飘零,反而走上了自己的上升通道。也就是说,“八二”现象其实已经悄悄地在我们身边生成了,最近的统计数据则更能说明问题,沪深两地的上市公司中有60%的股价已经接近6000点时的价位,而深成指和深综指均已接近前期历史高位,中小板指数早就创出新高。
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