Reading Time: < 1 minute Couple days ago I suggested the China stock market could have a relief rally after Olympics, when the party is over without major glitches. I still belive Beijing Olympics will turn out to be ok, amid so much worries from human rights protests to security threats. I also believe Chinese economy will not stand still

August 7, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yes, the game already started, e.g, the women’s soccer. This morning I saw the team USA vs. team Norway on MSNBC. The US lost 2 goals in first 5 minutes, not a good way to start a game. BTW, here is the TV schedule on NBA family (NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, Telemundo, USA, Oxygen). You need

August 6, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday the terrist attack in China Northwest Xinjiang province caught a lot people’s nerve. People felt nervous because they think bad things could happen in Beijing during this Olympics. My sense is it will NOT, because Beijing is probablly the most heavily guarded city in the world in next 2.5 weeks (Aug 8 to 24).

August 5, 2008

Reading Time: 15 minutes I found fun read Briefing (via. Yahoo Finance) market summary, esp. on an eventful day. 06-22-2009 Back to bear? 4:30 pm : The S&P 500 moved sharply lower in broad-based fashion, which took it below the key 900 level for the first time this month. With sellers in control, the session culminated in the stock

August 4, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are a lot discussion about this topic a while ago with the March 14 Tibet incident, the pro-Tibet protests caused Olympics torch relay incident in Paris, and the pro-China and pro-Tibet supporters shoutout in San Francisco afterwards…I guess it’s a media nightmare for the west Olympics sponsors such as Coca Cola. Controversy or not,

August 4, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes What recession? Last Friday evening we went to local Red Lobster restaurant at around 6:30, and we were told there could be 25 min wait as we saw a large crowd. Being impatient as I was, we decided to try Olive garden. When we went there, same thing: we were told the wait time is

August 2, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute In the US? Today my coworker reminds me Aug 8, the opening ceremony is only a week away. (Update Aug 7) More up to date stuff from mitbbs (go to the end of this post to get the instructions in Chinese). TV So far NBC family (NBC, MSNBC, CNBC) has no plan to do it

August 1, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s the holiday season again, this weekend is the MO tax holiday for back-to-school season. Quote the MO state gov web site: Section 144.049, RSMo, establishes a sales tax holiday during a three-day period beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first Friday in August and ending at midnight on the Sunday following. Certain back-to-school purchases,

August 1, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Olympics buzz at work place As the Beijing 2008 only 8 days away, I am hearing quite a bit Olympics query from coworkers lately, mostly from curiosity and good will (wish Beijing and China will do well). As a Chinese living in America, I certain also hope things also work out well, amid all the

July 31, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes My 2 cents on Cummins CMI (a while ago) I have watched CMI for a few months now, have not pulled the trigger yet. There was a brief chance around March 17. I dare not to buy it after it went above 50. Like commodity, short term CMI has some selling pressure because: 1) It’s

July 30, 2008
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