Reading Time: 2 minutes Google is making buzz again this week, with its spreadsheet. I don’t want to talk too much about it because they already got plenty of media coverage. What impressed me most is not the technology itself, but its marketing tactic. Google says it’s only open to limited beta testers, and here is the link .
Reading Time: < 1 minute I mean the wireless Internet for my laptop at home. My laptop does come with Intel (R) Pro/wireless Lan 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter but it losts the connection with my D-link wireless router very frequently. Initially I thought it’s the problem with my Internet provider. But after I changed from DSL to cable for
Reading Time: 2 minutes I was looking for some information on “Multithread programming” lately and I happened to find the Chinese version of the book “Practical UNIX programming” by Kay A. Robbins and Steven Robbins. Since my friend brought it from China, it has been sitting on my desk. I was glad I could find some use finally. But
Reading Time: 2 minutes I ordered Motorola E815 and Verizon Wireless new service plan from Amazon yesterday, after doing some research on the web. My contract with T-mobile expired recently, and I was not impressed by their service: the biggest problem is their limited coverage area. Many times when I am off the highways, I no longer have the
Reading Time: < 1 minute The following is a faked email I received today. I found it out by “show full headers” in my Yahoo email. I believe you can do it in other mail clients. The lesson here is don’t click on the link from your email unless you are absolutely sure it’s from a trusted source. ========================= To:
Reading Time: 2 minutes My car is making funny noise recently. So I made an appointment with a local Nissan dealership 9AM today, to take a look. The customer rep asked my phone numbers and the usual stuff. I gave them both my work number and mobile number (that turns out to be a mistake). He told me expect
Reading Time: < 1 minute A good friend of my brother recently visited St. Louis. He is an avid reader and used book collector. Although I like to read too but I have to admit I am not at his level in terms of reading breadth and expertise. Neverthless, we spent quite some time in two of the used book
Reading Time: 2 minutes This morning I went to 3 local Best Buy stores. I knew my chance of getting a Xbox 360 would be as same as winning a lottery. But I went anyway because I was already awake at 7:15 AM. There was a little flurry but I made it to the Best Buy Bridgeton location at
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