Category: Technology

Reading Time: 2 minutes A commond question about China software industry is: while China leads India on hardware, manufacturing and many other aspects, why is she behind India on software? After all, Chinese are smart people too. Well, the main reason, I think, is China has domestic demand for software, while India has to compete with the western developed countries (US, UK) for the projects. Or put it

November 18, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes I thought about this topic for a while; I decided to start it after seeing the recent hypes on E-future stock. E-future claims it is the first Chinese software company listed in the NASDAQ Capital Market. This is correct but it is a bit misleading. There are two markets in NASDAQ: National Market and Capital

November 15, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Google buying YouTube is a big news for the web 2.0 community. Its effect is felt more than that (I got two emails from friends regarding this :-). Interestingly, I recalled just a few weeks ago, Mark Cuban, the outspoken billionare investor (who made a fortune in the 90s dot com era), said “anyone who buys

October 13, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute OK, I will take a break from the stock lesson today. I am going to talk about the TV media here. I bet president Bush doesn’t like what he sees on TV these days, not just daily casualties in Iraq and Afganistan, and the conspiracy theory of lower gas price. Being a president, the president can not be a winner on this gasoline

October 5, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am not going to explain how to make money using Google AdSense. Here I just put a real world example: a successful web enterprenur got a check from Google. Guess how big is the check: almost 1 million Canadian dollars. And here is the link. The nice thing about his web site is that he runs it by himself. So after he

July 23, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Shortky after I wrote the web 2.0 article, I got comment from Andy and he mentioned his new site I checked it out and it was cool. As I said when I first saw the about a year ago, I thought it was a very useful tool. Basically it combines the listings on Craigslist

June 21, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, the richest man on the earth (12 years in a row), announced his semi-retirement from his Microsoft day to day operations job last week. As we know Bill Gates is the icon of technology industry in last 20+ years, I think his quits at this time is very interesting.

June 17, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I think “Undo” is one of the best features we have in many desktop applications. I am not going to get into details of individual applications, but I used quite a bit of “Undo” in Visual Studio editor, Word, and more recently “System restore” on my Windows XP box. There are two reasons we need

June 11, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Google is making buzz again this week, with its spreadsheet. I don’t want to talk too much about it because they already got plenty of media coverage. What impressed me most is not the technology itself, but its marketing tactic. Google says it’s only open to limited beta testers, and here is the link .

June 8, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I mean the wireless Internet for my laptop at home. My laptop does come with Intel (R) Pro/wireless Lan 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter but it losts the connection with my D-link wireless router very frequently. Initially I thought it’s the problem with my Internet provider. But after I changed from DSL to cable for

May 27, 2006
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