Category: Technology

Reading Time: 2 minutes A checklist for Ladue school parents and guardians Buy school supplies; Meet the teacher / community night (bring school supplies if applicable): mainly say hi to teachers and staff, and for the kids to learn where are the classrooms etc. on 1st day; Adjust kids sleep routine: from summer (no school or no camp) schedule

August 18, 2022

Reading Time: 6 minutes Some disclaimer: not district official doc. I believe each kid is unique, special and gifted in her / his own way. And for many parents / guardians they do sincerely believe their kids are the smartest. Years ago I think when my older daughter was probably 3 or 4 years old, at the preschool a

July 24, 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you want to be an “involved parent”? I guess at least, we don’t want our kids watching ASMR on youtube all day… or for that matter, watching YouTube shorts, TikTok, Instagram and doing Snapchat? And may I add roblox, adopt me, Minecraft, and Fornite 🙁 Sorry this is the only games I know my

March 18, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 12-04-022) Today a friend told me about another book, prealgebra, which is roughly about a 7th or 8th-grade math textbook in the USA. My daughter (7th grade) is doing the exercises on Afficient (this is a bit like the online version of the good old Kumon). (Original) In my daughters school, we started this

March 16, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute High profile or high impact outage or incidents are just a way of the life in modern internet, or public cloud. The key is to recover quickly from the incident, and learn from those incidents: post mortem analysis, or in some places they do root cause analysis or RCA, and in my personal opinion, RCA

February 4, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute I listened to or watched a few interesting youtube video and or twitter space recently. The most significant one is the “storytelling”, I believe this is probably as important as “compounding effect” in investing and life time learning. Below is the youtube video, how to speak, by Prof Patrick Winston of MIT Twitter Space (how

January 22, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am thinking about this, also there was an ask from two parents. Some of the things I think I can start at first class, also some of the things I am thinking about teaching (more systematic). Starter: raspberry pi (and micro bit), coder master (Sophia’s game), the lego technic motor sets (not coding but

December 30, 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes For 12 factor application the No. 1 principle is one source code base. Today I was thinking about this topic: one sets of source code for one app, and use configuration for language, region or other different settings for different customers. And this reminded me of some of the articles I read (such as this

November 11, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes Downloaded Noobs image installer (imager_1.6.2) to Mac, unpack (or install) so that I have “Raspberry Pi Imager” on Mac, and then used it to create the bootable OS on the sd card using that software. After that insert the sd card to the appropriate slot on p3, also plugged in hdmi for monitor, and usb

November 7, 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 4: 01-21-2022) Roblox published the root cause here. (Update 3: 11-03-2021) I came across this website that shows nice stats for Roblox (I noticed downdetector only shows 24 hours history by default, not sure how to customize it). I vaguley recall I also see a github repo that can scan the roblox APIs, but

October 29, 2021
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