Reading Time: 2 minutes Tech for Silicon valley and agriculture for St. Louis. Silicon Valley Stocks We went to Sillicon valley for the holidays and obviously, stock is one common topic in family reunion and friends gathering. Note stock options makes up a significant portion of employee’s compensations for some of the technology companies there. I happened to read
Reading Time: 2 minutes I came across this list of top 25 stocks in last 25 years from AOL money and finance. The original article was appeared on USAToday Sept 15, 2007. Note statistically, a sample of 25 is too small to draw any scientific conclusion. But I found a few things to be interesting nonetheless. 1) Two money
Reading Time: 2 minutes My performance The Scottrade account did beat the S&P 500 and Nasdaq (detail to be calculated…). This is pretty easy because the market did not go up much in the past year (3.5% for S&P and 9.8% for Nasdaq). More importantly, learned the risk, portfolio management (weighting), IRA/401K/mutual funds, all from hands on experience and
Reading Time: 2 minutes The miserable performance of CROX erased much of my 2007 gains. But thanks to the rebound of Mindray (MR), I am still be able to be above water π Some random thoughts of Q4 and year 2007 stock performance: 1) Crocs (CROX): I agree with my friend StrengthTrader, Crocs is a fashion product. It’s almost
Reading Time: 2 minutes Stocks in review week of Dec 16 to Dec 22 1) I bought some MXB shares on Dec 19. After I read its prospectus more carefully, I found two things I don’t like: it will use the proceeds of the IPO ($225 m) and borrow some $425 m to pay the dividend to its parent,
Reading Time: 2 minutes For the mutual fund, besides being the leader in its category each year, one key performance measure is to beat the bench market index. For instance, if a fund is invested in emerging markets, one key bench mark is MSCI emerging market index (EFM, an ETF tracks this index). For reference, the index is up
Reading Time: 3 minutes All right, now the Chinese regulatory (People’s Bank, China banking regulatory commision, China Securities Regulatory Commission,…) got what they wished for this Christmas: after the cool down of the doemstic stock market, now housing market started take a turn (according to many experts including Vanke CEO Wang Shi). This is reflected in the sharp declining
Reading Time: 2 minutes Stock Price Shares of Vanke (sina, Google Finance) has gained more than 200% YTD, but it is taking a hit lately. A while ago I read these two interesting articles (21cbh, sina) about the valuation of Vanke share. The key question is whether it is over priced, considering its growth potential. Of course no one
Reading Time: 2 minutes If you used your credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Diner) overseas during 1996 to 2006, you may be eligible for a settlement refund. 1) CCF settlement: I received a form from CCF settlement, which stands for currency conversion fee anti-trust litigation. I remember I used my MasterCard in China in 2005 for my Ctrip booking. Now
Reading Time: < 1 minute Vanke is the No. 1 home builder in China. Toll Brothers is a US luxury home builder. Comparing the profitability of those two are not really comparing apple to apple. But, the buyers of Vanke homes in China are mostly middle class, or in other words, their relative affulence level in China is about same
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