Category: Stocks

Reading Time: < 1 minute Obviously most of them don’t know what they are talking about, accoring to Free Money Finance. This is actually confirmed by Karen Blumenthal, the author of Grande Expectation: a year in the life of Starbucks stock. She said (before wrote the book), she has been financial journalist for more than 20 years, but she did

February 4, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Ballmer has been chasing Jerry Yang for a year, and today he ran out of patience. Interestingly enough, I learned it from CNBC first time (around 5:30 AM central time). Note, last time I watched early CNBC, it was Jan 22 global crash…so the lesson for me don’t get up too early 🙂 The desperation

February 1, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am always interested in recurring revenue business, debit/credit card transaction fee is one. Yucheng Tech (YTEC), the smaller rival of Longtop (LFT), is entering POS business this year. According to my friend Nawar Alsaadi’s analysis (quoted below): “POS Revenue projections The company mentioned in an investor presentation in February 2007 that the average business

February 1, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute of this market. First is this Amazon bouncing back thing. Then is the whole market went up big, on the last day of the month. My initial sense is another windows dressing like it did on Dec 31. Note for mutual fund, hedge fund,…they all have monthly performance to meet. So take this last opportunity

January 31, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Did you watch TV yesterday? Did you notice anything different on CNBC, CNN (Larry King, Glenbeck)? CNBC combined the Larry Kudlow with Fast Money, invited lots of experts, from econmist to fund managers, all trying to give us an overview of what happened in the stock market? Glennbeck got John Bogle, the founder of Vanguard

January 23, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Not so good. iPod growth slowed (finanlly). iPhone can not make up the hole left by iPod. As I read from MarketWatch, while Mac is exploding, but it has one problem: with economy slowing, people won’t blow extra 1000 bucks for Mac (why not just buy a Dell). I think Steve should do everything to

January 23, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute William Ding Lei is the founder, and Chairman of NetEase. He talked a little on the bubble in the stock markets during an interview lately (link here). I shared Ding Lei’s insights because he has been through the full cycle of the stock market: right after NetEase (NTES) came to Nasdaq in 2000, the dot

January 22, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute I waked up at 5:30 this morning, and turned on CNBC. I knew all the markets are down last night, but I am still curious what the US market will look. One of the reporter in Tokyo says all the eyes are on the US Fed (hint a 75 base point cut). I went back

January 22, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes It looks like it. On Monday Jan 21 we have the biggest drop of global stock markets in recent years (see the quoted news below). I want to talk a little about the Chinese market in specific. It appears to me two pieces of news helped driving the market down. The huge secondary offering of

January 21, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Read this from trader818. While I don’t agree everything here, I think the principle applies. I also want to add one thing: if average down too many times (and never make money), something (the market or the stock) must be wrong. I learned the hard lesson from Longbottom (LFT). 最近有不少朋友问我大势这么差,是不是该逃跑,或者买点put hedge上。 我的观点是,从长期投资角度讲,现在已经出现很多值得关注的股票,该做的不是逃跑 , 而是参与。 熊市里面很难赚钱,特别要防范风险,选股票时候需要注意几个问题

January 21, 2008
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