Reading Time: < 1 minute Here is some interesting stuff I read (auditor’s opinion): “We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2007 of the Company and our report dated February 29, 2008 expressed an unqualified opinion
Reading Time: 3 minutes I have written an article talking about why Chinese companies come to list in NYSE or Nasdaq a while ago. This is a topic warrants more than one article, amid the VISA filing for IPO and recent controversy of Chinese companies (Ping’an and Pu Fa) tried to do secondary in Shanghai. So let me talk
Reading Time: < 1 minute By technical analysis (TA), I mean those candle charts, wave theory etc. Those are techniques day traders use frequently to make small profit out of price fluctuation. Nothing against it, but I feel those techniques are not useful for long term investors. Actually from I read, Buffett also learned all those stuff before, but obviously
Reading Time: < 1 minute Last two quarter earning report has dragged Crocs stock from $75 to around $25. Many analysts, bloggers, pundits, pretty-much-everybody-wears-shoes (and consequently knows the shoe business) think the stock price is reasonable now. That is, assume Crocs can unload its massive $250 million inventory successfully. By success I mean they did not give it away to
Reading Time: 2 minutes Another crazy day, the market traded mostly lower today, until 3:30 PM EST, CNBC reported Ambac will announce it raised capital earlier next week. It seems everyone just can not get enough stocks since then, all the US indices reversed the downward trend and closed higher. For me, the feeling is like “hew”, my little
Reading Time: < 1 minute Crocs broke my heart; RIM made my day. While CROX continued his downward spiral, today Research in Motion (RIM, Nasdaq: RIMM) is up 8% on the news it will beat its forecasted subscriber growth. Now I regret I did the swing last week, in which I cashed in some gain, and reduced the number of
Reading Time: < 1 minute I decided to take some CROX off the table. Too much controversials on the stock after yesterday’s earning report. Here are some of the bull case and bear case. Bull case Management is optimistic on the international expansion, and new products (jibbitz, Bite, OceanMind etc.), but which company’s management is not bullish on their company’s
Reading Time: < 1 minute Starting this year I got the Barrons’ subscription from my frequent flier miles (Northwest). (picture from 1) Joe Rosenberg is an investment guru, and he shared his insights on various stocks from MSFT, YHOO to PFE. He likes MSFT the stock, but he does not like the decision of buying YHOO, and he thinks
Reading Time: < 1 minute Dow Jones Industrials Average (DJIA, Wikipedia), commonly referred as Dow Industrial Index, is widely perceived as the benchmark of the US stock market. This perception is not necessary a reflection of reality, as I said in my earlier post. Today Dow underwent another tweak: from Feb 19 it will remove Altria (MO, today’s closing price
Reading Time: < 1 minute It appears Politicians are not the only flip floppers. The reason we should not follow analyst blindly. Citigroup Global Markets analyst Jim Suva, talked about RIMM on early Feb (source: seekingalpha): “Overall, we believe the points brought up during today’s call are highly supportive of our bull case on RIM. Concerns regarding financial services exposure
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