Category: Stocks

Reading Time: < 1 minute CNBC Maria Bartiromo interviewing Saudi prince Awaleed, the largest shareholder of Citi Group (NYSE: C), after the US gov (aka we the tax payers) bailed out the Citi and the prince. Here are the terms (PDF). Maybe president Bush gave him assurance that his holding won’t get much diluted before the rescue? The video lasts

November 24, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in review 11/17/08 to 11/22/08 Crazy market If you have not paid attention to the market lately (for whatever reason), yesterday and today’s market should have got your attention, because of its huge volatility: big down yesterday and big up today. Note yesterday Paulson spoke at California and today’s news is NY Fed chief

November 23, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Was on the road on election night. I left the training class at 4:25 at North Little Rock and headed to the LIT airport. When I listened to NPR at around 5:30 PM, the poll in east coast was about to close. When I got to Atlanta for transfer, it was 8:30 PM EST, so

November 6, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes BUffett under water Exelon put a bid for NRG yesterday, a bigger power (utility) for another smaller one, not all that interesting or surprising considering current market condition: the drop of share prices and the freeze of credit market (note the utility companies usually rely on bond market to finance its cap ex). But I

October 21, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Macro environment This morning on my way to work, I found the regular unleaded gas is sold for $2.88 at Shell station near my home. The oil is coming down, amid the slow down of US economy, the No. 1 consumer of the light sweet crude: American consumes 25% of world crude production. Natural gas

October 15, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute A while back I bought some Chesapeak Energy stock (NYSE:CHK) after it dropped from high of $75 to around $50, I knew its Q2 2008 results are not good because of its hedging loss. The following was an interview of its CEO McClendon on CNBC on Aug 19.

October 11, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute At least that’s what Fed chairman Bernenke and Treasury secretary Paulson think, and the congress and president agree with them. But how about the shareholders and we the tax payers? The AIG shareholders are almost wiped out (slightly better than Fannie and Freddie), and the price tag is $85 billion for now. So summary, the

September 16, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is the message Paulson sent to the street this morning. In other words, Paulson was saying “speculators, you should know this coming in last 6 months, sorry but I can not help you out this time, because in doing so I could lose my job too”. Pauslon gave two reasons he won’t bail out

September 12, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update, according to WSJ) The deal in summary: the US treasury dept. will put up to 200 billion ($100 billion each) to support the mortgages loss from Fannie and Freddie; the treasury will buy $1 billlon of preferred shares for 10% divivend, the preferred are senior to all other preferred previously issued (I believe all

September 8, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yes, the game already started, e.g, the women’s soccer. This morning I saw the team USA vs. team Norway on MSNBC. The US lost 2 goals in first 5 minutes, not a good way to start a game. BTW, here is the TV schedule on NBA family (NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, Telemundo, USA, Oxygen). You need

August 6, 2008
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