Category: Stocks

Reading Time: 2 minutes Follow the crowd; follow the stock picker or gurus such as Jim Crammer without doing own research; follow the friends. Following the crowd is dangerous because statistically majority of small investors lose money in the stock market (I know I am since got into market in late 2003). I think one reason for doing this is the “herd”

September 29, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I heard it first from Bill Bishop’s blog. Home Inns (如家), China’s leading budget hotel chain, filed for an IPO about a month ago and is expecting to hit the NASDAQ sometime in September, assuming market conditions hold. A few day ago I got more info From Pacific Epoch Shanghai based hotel chain Home Inn

September 29, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Grass is always greener on the other side. I first heard this from a coworker and I found it describes human nature very well. Remember when we were kids, some of us felt the meals at our neighbours or relatives’ home taste better the our own home? I made this mistake when I first started trading into stock markets a few years ago. It

September 29, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I used to keep a stockInsight blog at blogspot. I have not written too much on that blog lately, partly because I was busy on other things, not up to date with the stock market; partly because it’s hosted in blogspot, which means another web site to log in. Anyway I decided to migrate all

June 4, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes I heard about Quicken (the personal finance software) long time ago. Last fall I decided giving it a try because I felt it’s harder to manage my bills and payments manually. My goal is to view all my banking, credit card activies, phone/utilities/home loan bills, and pay them in one place: Quicken. If possible, I

May 29, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes MBA is a hot topic for many overseas Chinese students and professionals: for the money or the dream. I have thought about doing this from time to time, but I am still at ground zero due to reasons such as: lack of the money and time; not sure about the purpose of the MBA; don’t

April 22, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute My friend mentioned this real estate estimate web site to me. We were very excited to see the property value of our St. Louis homes went up sharply in the past month, according to the web site. While we are mature enough to know this is not 100% accurate, it’s good news nonetheless. Here is

April 8, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes I was a car junkie a few years ago. By that I mean I can call out the brand and models of most cars on the road; and I visited the dealership and test drive from time to time. Not to mention I spent tons of time on the car web sites, such as edmunds,

April 2, 2006

Reading Time: 1 minute In the stock market there is a thing called “earning”, basically it’s how much money a company made for each share of the stock. The higher the earning, the better for share holders (company owners). But the stock price does not necessarily hold a linear relationship with the earning. Why? Because there is another thing

March 11, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Just watched Frontline on PBS. The topic is “Secret history of the credit card”. I thought it provides some very useful information. We all know the US economy is very much depependent on consumer spending. And the credit cards are used more and more by consumers. I remember a story my “American mom” told me.

December 20, 2005
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