Reading Time: < 1 minute AIG bonus. 90% tax. Clawback (that’s new word for me). Goldman Sachs. The bank rescue (aka toxic assets) plan Tim Geithner (WSJ op ed March 23) My Plan for Bad Bank Assets; NY Times article; WSJ article. Paul Krugman (the recent Nobel Economics winner) comments (one, two) Meet the press, Face the Nation and ABC
Reading Time: < 1 minute google finance (NYSE:BGP) cash flow, note the numbers in bold In Millions of USD 52 weeks ending 2008-02-02 52 weeks ending 2007-02-03 52 weeks ending 2006-01-28 52 weeks ending 2005-01-23 Issuance (Retirement) of Stock, Net 7.60 -122.70 -238.30 -132.50 Issuance (Retirement) of Debt, Net 43.40 303.30 -1.40 6.80 I has been a Borders customer for
Reading Time: < 1 minute Cramer Stewart saga goes on. Madoff will go to jail, for life. He deserves it. Just thinking how many people (esp. the older people) lives turned upside down because of his ponzi scheme. How many clothes-less emperors still out there? Lesson for ordinary investors Refer to John Bogle, 6 lessons for investors. Get self educated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute March 04 1999 to Mar 02 2009, courtesy of Google Finance. Two thoughts pop up by looking at the charts: 1) We probably have not hit bottom yet; 2) The drop in mid 2008 till now is so sharp, 50% in one year 🙁 BTW, I think it’s a good idea to stay away from
Reading Time: < 1 minute What is nationalization This is my understanding. Usually a company has 3 types of capital: debt, preferred stock, common stock. In terms of ownership the equity holders (common stock holders) own the company. We say they borrow from the debt holders: in return they pay interest and principle to the debt holders down the road.
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update May 2020) I found from this website, it seems the US consumer saving rate went up a bit in last 5 years, from 6%, 8% to most recent 13% . I can understand the last part due to pandemic. In fact our restaurant eat out (to go, take out) shrunk a lot. My wife is
Reading Time: < 1 minute Since I have done some travel lately, I have oppertunity to see people in the airport or airplane. It seems to me Blackberry is everywhere. I remember Blackberry was popular a few years ago (also from airport impression), now it’s pervasive / everywhere. There are lots of coverage on Blackberry recently such as: 1) Obama
Reading Time: < 1 minute It seems the financial crisis has been more like a banking crisis these days, with the RBS virtually nationalized by the British goverment, and Citi and Bank of America increasingly can not stand on its own. The No. 1 and No. 2 US banks according to market cap, J.P.Morgan (NYSE: JPM) and Wells Fargo (NYSE:
Reading Time: 2 minutes Bank of America is back in the news because they asked and got $20 billon from US govement, to back the loss from Merrill Lynch acquisition. (Source: Yahoo Tech-ticker) Personally I like Bank of America, ever since I became their customer serveral years ago. Two benefits of being BoA checking acct cosumer: 1) Their branch
Reading Time: < 1 minute S&P 500 index (google Finance), the US bench mark index used by many mutual fund managers, dropped 38.49%. Even the greatest investor guru of our time Warren Buffett could not escape the bear attack, his holding company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.B) dropped 32%. (In 2008 S&P 500 index dropped 575.24 points or 38.91%, from 1478.49 to
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