Reading Time: < 1 minute Finanlly I bought some A Shares in Shanghai Stock Exchange this afternoon. This is more than 10 years after my last purchase đ I realized Chinese domestic stock market is still not widely open to foreign investors. There is a thing called QFII, stands for qualified foreign instiutional investors. Here is a good explaination for
Reading Time: 2 minutes I went to ChinaClear, the Chinese securities clearing house. I don’t know what’s the equivalent in the States? I do believe they have something similar but it’s just behind the scenes. In other words, we don’t need to know all the details.
Reading Time: < 1 minute I thought about this for quite a while, debating whether I should joined the party in Shanghai. Finanlly I decided to pull the trigger. I went to China Merchant Bank (æćé¶èĄ), and opened my stock trading account there (the securities department of CMB). The procedure is very much like that in US. I filled out
Reading Time: < 1 minute Xinhua Finance Media Limited (XFML) did not turn out to be another Home Inns or New Oriental, at its IPO debut last Friday. Besides the difference of market sentiment then and now, I think the fundamental reason lies within the company and the business itself. First Xinhua Finance is in the media and advertising business. Note media industry is
Reading Time: < 1 minute Well, Xinhua Finance Media Limited XFML IPO nearly broke my heart, kind as I expected. The good thing is WR Hambrecht only allocated me 100 shares, out of 200 shares I indicated to buy. On a positive note, Mindray reported a good quarter and a good year. Here is the results. Going forward they expect
Reading Time: < 1 minute Mutual fund is a hot commodity in China these days, as the domestic stock market became really hot in last year. While the mutual fund industry is still in its early stage, I found this Harvest Fund to be impressive. I watched an interview of its manager, Mr. Zhao Xue Jun, at CBN (No. 1 Cai
Reading Time: < 1 minute Listened to Heelys first conference call over the Internet because I got waked up by the luggage delivery people at 5 AM. Now I got both luggages from the United Airline. I am happy despite they deliver it on strange time such as 12 AM or 5 AM. I do appreciate the delivery team’s hard work though. Back
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 07Mar07) I saw an updated F1 prospectus at SEC web site. So I would assume the IPO is still on? Just heard from a friend in the States, this is not offical, but the rumor is the IPO is called off. I assume the reason is the recent sell off of Chinese stocks inside and
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is from what I feel after spending 36 hours Shanghai. I read quite a few newspaper, magazine, and watch the “finance” section on the TV (first Caijing etc.), as part of research for Xinhua Finance Media IPO, stock market is a very hot topic in all those places. The scary part is, in one program this analyst promoted how
Reading Time: < 1 minute I am in Shanghai now. The flight connection was not as smooth as I expected, finanlly I got here about 5 and a half hours late than original schedule. I got oppertunity to see the new Beijing airport on the way: very impressive infrustructure. I guess it’s ready for the big party in 2008. I will talk more
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