Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in review 09/09 to 09/15 1) One dollar is 7.50 Yuan. This is the rate I got from China Construction Bank ATM today, using my BoA debit card. 2) The China People’s Bank raised interest rate (by 0.27%) again in the weekend. 3) Moon cake coupon: there are many “moon cake coupon” flippers these
Reading Time: 2 minutes Chinese stocks are becoming more and more expensive. From different statistics, average PE of the market is in 40s. This is not cheap compared to around PE 18 of US S&P 500. There are many reasons for that, and I’m not jumping into it. But I want to share an interesting phenomena here: these days
Reading Time: 2 minutes I remember seeing a book written by John Bogle (the founder of Vanguard) where he suggested “individual investors should buy mutual fund not stock”. I agree with some of his arguments, such as diversification. And I believe that’s also the fact in the US: where pension fund and university endowment fund invested in stocks, mostly
Reading Time: < 1 minute I added some Chinese financial blog under “blogroll”. Two notables are Dan Bin (CEO of a private equity in Shenzhen), and Zhu Ping (Guangfa Fund manager, a graduate from Shanghai Univ. of Finance and Economics). Both are disciples of Buffett. Dan Bin bought a share of Berkshire so that he could attend the Berkshire annual
Reading Time: < 1 minute Here are the results from Yahoo Finance, some highlights: Second Quarter 2007 Highlights: — Total net revenues increased 99.3% over the second quarter of 2006 to US$30.2 million. (1H revenue $64 m, slight decline over Q1 2007?) — Net income increased 482.1% over the second quarter of 2006 to US$7.1 million. — Diluted earnings per
Reading Time: < 1 minute At least on Internet front, as I read this post from Wang Jianshuo. Similar thing can be said about the China stock market, the “open H-share to domestic investors” initiative took a pause this week. The new word is it will start in 2 months; and the minimum balance is 300 k Yuan (vs. previous
Reading Time: < 1 minute I’m back from Sanya. Felt good about the beach and Marriot hotel, I will talk more about the trip later. The following are stuffs I recorded before the trip. 1) Ctrip service is good. Free pick up, delivery; SMS reminder; coupon book including shuttle ride from airport to hotel. By the way, I saw Ctrip’s
Reading Time: < 1 minute The following is copied from the bbs at world famous mit. I pasted it here so people in China can get to it. The article explains the career path of wall street. For ordinary investors who are not going to wall street, this article also explains how finance works…IBD stands for investment banking division. Let
Reading Time: < 1 minute The market is full of news these days, and it looks like the drama will be on for a while. But will “tape reading all the time” be helpful for investing? Interestingly I read an abstract of an article on this topic (written by a finance professor at Wash. U.), his conclusion is no. In
Reading Time: 2 minutes With the Chinese goverment recent policy of “opening H shares to domestic investors”, there are three ways to buy H shares for China domestic investors, and people with different investment objectives and pockets can pick and choose. 1) QDII: there are many bank issued QDII products. Those products mostly invest in H shares, and it’s
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