Reading Time: 2 minutes Xiao Ke is a German guy. His wife Kiki is my wife’s elder sister. They came back home to see the family, friends, and do some sight seeing. I think Xiao Ke is the first German guy I ever talked to. He has very good understanding of Chinese and Germany culture/philosophies. I’m curious to learn
Reading Time: 2 minutes These days “Buffett sold PetroChina stocks” are all over the news, especially in the Chinese news media. After all, Warren has the best track record among stock investors in our time. But, what should we, average investor, read from this news? Or (on the other hand) can we simple ignore this news? First let me
Reading Time: < 1 minute From Reuters, Hard disk pioneers won Physics nobel: France’s Albert Fert and Germany’s Peter Gruenberg won the 2007 Nobel Prize for physics on Tuesday for a breakthrough in nanotechnology that lets huge amounts of data be squeezed into ever-smaller spaces. My take: Hard disk has changed the way we live and work, as we can
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is what I heard from a guest at “Market today” (China-CBN). Here is how it works: China Ping’an insurance (601318, 2318.HK) and China Life insurance (601628, 2628.HK, LFC) holds significant shares (more than 3%) from each other. Now they are buying shares from each other in the market, which will drive their stock prices
Reading Time: < 1 minute This one is for real. Here in Shanghai it started to rain yesterday afternoon; today the heavy wind sometimes make it impossible to walk. I saw numerous people flipped their umbrella. Just as I was thinking I’m lucky, my umbrella did the same thing. Zhongshan park (Kaixuan Rd.) Zhunyi Rd. & Changning Rd.
Reading Time: 2 minutes First a little background. Like the Chinese stock market, the Chinese real estate market has a brief history and I talked it a bit in my previous E-House post. Also, China is a big country and the real estate market varies by region, for instance, the Shenzhen market is cooling down lately while Shanghai market
Reading Time: < 1 minute The Chinese market closed for a week during this national holiday. The HK and US market is still open. There are lots of actions of Chinese stocks in those markets. From the blue (red) chips (such as LFC), to more speculative ones (such as EFUT). It appears to me the valuation of FXI, LFC etc
Reading Time: < 1 minute National Day (the birth date of PRC) Oct 1 is coming. I saw lots of flags on the street. Pretty neat, huh? Seriously, this is a good time for the travel industry to cash in. Because people will have a week off. Many people are doing some tour: from Sanya, Li Jiang to Bali or
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have thinking about this for a while. But I was not convinced to buy, until this week our new landlord wanted us to move out sooner than we would like to. Here comes the inconevience of renting. Another reason (make me consider buying) is the rapid rise of home prices lately. You know we
Reading Time: 2 minutes From the bbs at world famous mit. Thanks to Author: capcase (gotmail). I’m putting my comments at the end. Here is the original article in Chinese, the original title is “china IPO stocks”. For English, has a nice table which tracks Chinese ADRs YTD performance. So check out from there. 下面是一个简单的表格,列出了2006年12月20日至今在美国上市的中国企业的名单和大致情况。更详细的情况无法在这里列出,有兴趣的读者可以查询Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance和China Analyst,即可得到比较详细的英文资料。
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