Category: Software development

Reading Time: < 1 minute I received a new HP EliteBook 645 G10 for work recently. Note I wrote about Desktops, Laptops And Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI For Work 我在美国上班20多年用过的那些电脑 recently too. I recall with my 1st new work laptop, an IBM ThinkPad, as I was working from home in 2008, I would be somewhat concerned if the laptop fans

June 10, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes Some random thoughts I had on consumer products companies stocks: I think it’s probably better to bet on $V and $MA instead of $LULU, $NKE, $DECK, $CROX, $SBUX and last but not least: $ONON which I have a small long position, thinking selling it around summer Olympics. I just sold few $LULU shares and I

June 7, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes (Below is from a tweet/X thread I wrote last year) #Performance testing is important. At the same time, we don’t want to the performance tuning too early, or set an unrealistic performance goal. A better way in my opinion is to tune/optimize the app (or web services) performance as it scales up (getting more users).

June 5, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes Or ransomware as a service or RaaS, please refer to this Pensacola News Journal article, search for “Black Basta” for the detailed information. I felt this article was well written. Unfortunately, this one is the place I used to work – Ascension Health (company official note on this cyber security event). I also talked about

May 14, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes I talked about arbitrage quite a bit in my blog, but in terms of profit I didn’t make much until year 2022 – I followed Warren Buffett and bought into Microsoft Activision Blizzard acquisition. I got this idea when I attended #BRK2022 shareholder meeting in Omaha, Nebraska. Most recently, I speculated a few more, one

April 23, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes cobble together per Collins Dictionary: If you say that someone has cobbled something together, you mean that they have made or produced it roughly or quickly. Or Google AI overview – “Cobble together” is an American English phrasal verb that means to produce something quickly or roughly, often without great care or effort. For example,

April 20, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes (08-05-2024) Noticed judge ruled in a similar case, the Google search engine/Apple iPhone case, and Google lost this 1st round. Think they will likely appeal. But Tech Industry Braces for Fallout From Google Antitrust Verdict. This potentially has some impact on Apple. Also, today I noticed the Google chat app on iPhone is called just

March 27, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes (Update 04-05-2024 BleepingComputer) Panera Bread week-long IT outage caused by ransomware attack (Update 03-27-2024) Both the app and the website are back, fully functional as of now (this morning). Btw, I cleaned up a few CC in my account (from 6 to 3); also enabled 2 factor authentication for MyPanera account (via SMS, not perfect,

March 25, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes I can think of two scenarios: one is acquisition is done via cash; another one is done by stocks (and the stock itself is overvalued). The yardstick of overpayment ====== EBITA or EBITDA (or use Charlie Munger’s word, replace it with bullshit) I know from my own software industry experience, 10x sales (or revenue) is

March 23, 2024
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