Reading Time: < 1 minute Friday afternoon, 4 PM, finanlly I made things working: I mean the program compiled and ran at the first time. So what did I do? I found there are some minor problems here and there, and I decided to correct them. Off I went to make those “important” changes. By 5 PM I completed the changes and now
Reading Time: 2 minutes When I was taking my first C++ class at graduate school, the professor has a favorite word “you guys should write a program that works, because if it does not work, you are writing a novel not a program”. Although I did wrote “novels” in one of his program assignments, I remembered his words since
Reading Time: < 1 minute It seems like I don’t have anything to do with C++ because I have not touched C++ much in this blog. I am a software engineer by trade; programming and debugging is a large part of what I do during the day. I was a little frustrated last two days by a memory problem shown only on
Reading Time: 2 minutes From time to time I had the oppertunity to work with gurus, I mean, the expert, or the genius in the field. I think I enjoyed my time spent with them from time to time. Although I had to admit those days were not easy 🙁 In the second year of my graduate school, I took a
Reading Time: < 1 minute I saw the following from Joel on Software . I had some hard time trying to understand it. Is he looking to be a distributor of foreign software company? Or he is interested in doing outsourcing work for foreign companies? I am thinking, this English problem (if typical among Chinese software industry), does present oppertunities.
Reading Time: < 1 minute I started to use left hand for mouse last week because my right hand did not feel well: being a programmer, I had too many mouse clicks for my job. One of my coworker hurt his right hand permanently so I decided to be more careful. Initially I felt it a bit awkward but I
Reading Time: 2 minutes There is a little piece of news in the software industry caught my attention this week. Red Hat, one of the biggest open source solution provider decided to buy JBoss, a not so well known open source middleware (application server) softare developer, for USD 350 million. I read an article on Business week about JBoss’s
Reading Time: < 1 minute I attended C++ training course at my work place last week. This is good for me because I did not feel well last week ( I got cold and headache): I can stay away from real coding during all these madness. Seriously, I did not find the C++ course to be any easier than the
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been a nice guy most of time, in my work and outside of work. But I have done something pretty bad this week. I am talking about programming. I made two mistakes. First I checked in code to the source control system and forgot to put in some compile flags. Without these flags
Reading Time: < 1 minute I received a letter from Missouri Department of Revenue yesterday. And it says my tax return for the year 2004 was invalid. That made me nervous. I scambled to look at my 2004 return which is done by Turbo Tax software, and other supporting documents. I found out an obvious problem eventually. I should have
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