Reading Time: 2 minutes The following was written more than a year ago… ====== Got opportunity to work on those two technologies recently due to job change. Had some gotchas as I transform from C++, CAD programming to this new program paradigm. Data problem vs. coding error In CAD world, sometimes there is problem with the data (CAD file)
Reading Time: < 1 minute Dirty flag on a HTML form is much trickier than I thought, that is, it is tricker when I started to programming for dirty flag. Saw this javascript snippet. It works great except in my case, I was generating dynamic drop down (selection menu), and in a lot of cases it behaves as opposite to
Reading Time: 2 minutes WordPress 3.1.1 Finally I got hands around my blog (this one stlplace) and did the WordPress upgrade. I put off the upgrade in the past primarily due to my laziness: there is no automatic update due to I was running on WP 2.0.2. The upgrade itself is not too bad, I followed those two articles
Reading Time: 2 minutes The following are iPhone development blogs I often read. Note I used Google reader to get them. I also listed some of the blogs under “dev” category in the side bar (small). Technical iPhone development by Jeff Lamarche. Jeff is the author of the best beginners book for iPhone dev “Beginning iPhone development”. Recently I
Reading Time: 2 minutes I was referring to the First application at Hibernate (Jboss) offical documentation. I found some problems when doing the exercise: just want to share some of my findings so others may benefit. 1) dependency version missing: there are already some some discussions on the Hibernate discussion forum, such as this one and that one. I
Reading Time: 2 minutes Particularly in the IT (software development) field. Obviously the No. 1 thing is “never give up”. I started looking about 9 months ago when I felt “the need to look”: both for defense (fear of lay off) and offense (opportunities better matching my interest and skill). I had to admit finding a job is not
Reading Time: < 1 minute I like Apple products: I had iPod Nano (2nd gen) since 2007, and I owned MacBook (white plastic), and bought iPhone for my wife this Jan. All bring us very good user experience. That is not to say, Apple products are flawless. IPod and iPhone will die once a while, but nothing catastrophic as it
Reading Time: < 1 minute eBay agreed to sell a majority stake of Skype to a consortium of private investors lead by Silver Lake Partners. (WSJ: EBay CEO: Skype Investors “Confident” of Work-Around Software, get it from Google if necessary). Silver lake is not new to me. Because they bought Seagate, and my former employer (hint: a major CAD/PLM software
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update June 11) Here is a review of the software, by experts at Univ. of Michigan. (Original) Yesterday I read from WSJ that Chinese government is asking the PC makers to install anti-porn software “Green dam” from July 1. I can understand western media’s interest here: the intension of government is more than protecting the
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 06-11-09) Upon second look, sold the stock. Got some Compuware (Nasdaq: CPWR) shares last week in my SogoTrade account (for speculation purpose). I used their DevPartner products (integrated with Visual Studio, sold to MicroFocus lately, see news below) for memory debugging and performance tuning. Very impressed by their products from my experience. It can
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