Reading Time: < 1 minute Below moment is likely not isolated to summer. Sometime between March and July this year (year 2024). One day I took MacBook on sofa, and sit about 6 ft from my 14 year old. We were at the two ends of the sofa (couch). Her response: dad, you are not going to sitting here for
Reading Time: 3 minutes Removed from S&P 500 E.g., $FBIN – Fortune Brands Innovations Inc? Below is from Google Search Labs | AI Overview Fortune Brands Innovations, Inc. (FBIN) was not removed from the S&P 500, but it did separate from its parent company and change its name:Fortune Brands Home and SecurityOn October 3, 2011, FBIN separated from Fortune
Reading Time: < 1 minute 今天一大早,我家大娃第一次出城比赛,不是钢琴🎹或其它乐器,不是数学,sci-only, 是 XC( cross country #越野跑)😂. 兵分两路,老爸(yours truly) 将跑第八个’Due Run. 大概算了下,God’s Willing, 等小娃高中毕业🎓,还有八个’Due Run. 结果:两个人大概都跑了34分钟多一点😂 PS: 拉肚学区啥都卷,小朋友们卷小朋友的东西,家长们卷’Due Run. 我记得有一回黄大神带了胜跑群的一路神仙们席卷了不少奖牌🏅😂 Btw, I signed up this year’s Olivette Turkey Trot. I probably ran my 1st Olivette Turkey Trot 5K in year 2018. I signed up in year 2017 but I chickened out at the last minute. I
Reading Time: < 1 minute Q: Can we say routers are simple and doesn’t have a lot of technologies? A (by yours truly): 也不能这样说,路由器和相关技术,比如说load balancer (F5 等),firewall 等等还是有技术和市场的。思科当时的做法是支持所有去创业的员工,给投资,一般做得还行的后来都买回来。她家最主要还是dot com 那时候股价炒太高。 思科现在成长性比不过hyper scalers. 她近年买了app dynamics, splunk 等performance (production) monitoring 的软件公司。很久以前买过webex I gave it more thought: I think the main difference between Cisco and say other hyper scalers such as Amazon and
Reading Time: < 1 minute 再说说software rewrite:我在上班的地方,参加过两次rewrite (重写)的项目,现在的项目是其中一个,大概做了两年多了:中间换了不知道多少contractors,现在好像还没有看到the light at the end of the tunnels。每次此类项目,management 一开始都有非常optimistic 的expectations:但实际工作中不是这样。 Why rewrite is hard? Or the hardest? I can think of a few reasons. 1) Management usually has very realistic (overly optimistic) expectations. I don’t know what kool aid the management drinks, but somehow there is current “sort of working system”, somehow lead
Reading Time: < 1 minute This article is also available on Medium. 最近四次经过上海,我一般都住虹桥火车站CBD旁边的凯悦嘉轩酒店也就是 Hyatt Place,她家就在火车站/地铁站🚉天桥对面:可以走路走到,前提是最好手上不要拿太多的行李🧳。具体地址是:虹桥商务区申虹路9号, 上海, 中国, 201106. 我一般是用凯悦 World of Hyatt 的点数换的:一般是五千点一个晚上,我觉得还可以。凯悦的点数我是直接从 Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP) Ultimate Rewards 那里转过来的,一点换一点。一般认为CSP Ultimate Rewards 一个点值2美分,五千点相当于1百美元。 她家上海店的布置跟美国的很像,但是她家的早餐自助餐比美国的要多很多选择。我开玩笑说早上吃得饱一点,到下午四五再吃晚饭就省了一顿饭的钱(again开个玩笑)。其实我发现到了我现在这个年纪,尤其要注意吃饭吃个七分饱,要避免桌上美食的诱惑,与肚里的馋虫作坚决的斗争。这次我带了家眷一起住酒店。好像她们也考虑了我的想法:一个房间有两份免费自助餐,再加上12岁以下小孩全免。市场价自助餐大概是68 还是 128 元。我这次就把自助餐让给了我的家眷:我去了永和大王,以前我也去过那里吃过中餐或者晚餐。这次我发现点餐完全是微信小程序:我的手机漫游有时不是很给力。 除了虹桥天地 The HUB 以外,那个旁边还有一个龙湖天地天街 Paradise Walk – 我喜欢那里的西贝莜面村。这两个地方都有相当多的吃饭的地方,中外的都有不少。嘉轩酒店旁边还有一个很不错的浙江台州的餐馆叫台乡缘(在甬虹路上,从嘉轩/金臣中心过马路就到)。我最近经朋友邀请,去吃过,她们哪里的海鲜和台州菜相当不错。大屏幕上的台州风土人情也是非常好。我老家是宁波,在台州北面,我们都靠海。台州菜和宁波菜有相通之处。风土人情也是:比如说摘茶叶,我小时候摘过。随着城市后的发展,以前一些农村的小吃慢慢地就消失了,还有方言,因为慢慢地大家都讲普通话了。 如果你喜欢咖啡,那一带有相当多的咖啡店:我想得起来的有 – 星巴克,瑞幸咖啡,加拿大的 Tim Hortons, 上海本土走高端路线的 Manner 咖啡,美国的 Peet’s coffee, 醒美咖啡 SayMay Coffee, 等等,应该还有很多。在龙湖天街那边有一张地图,上面标着大多数的咖啡店。很多牌子的店,不止一家:比如说星巴克,瑞幸。 备注:虹桥火车站,地铁站,再加上虹桥机场,加在一起,又叫虹桥交通枢纽(地面上还有长途汽车站)。地下,路面都比较复杂。我记得我2017年第一次从火车站到旅馆,花了点时间才找到,走到。我上面写了地址。油管上有不少关于火车站的介绍,也可以看看我的一个短视频介绍。我在虹桥天地那里,有时也会给人指路。这一次也指了一次:帮助一对夫妻从虹桥天地
Reading Time: 2 minutes Storytelling is a very important skill to have, especially in a country like the USA, and at the this say of age. I think it’s important to have this skill over the history too. For example, in this article, we can see storytelling helped human beings survive, and I quote below: Since our ancestors evolved
Reading Time: < 1 minute I received a new HP EliteBook 645 G10 for work recently. Note I wrote about Desktops, Laptops And Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI For Work 我在美国上班20多年用过的那些电脑 recently too. I recall with my 1st new work laptop, an IBM ThinkPad, as I was working from home in 2008, I would be somewhat concerned if the laptop fans
Reading Time: 2 minutes Some random thoughts I had on consumer products companies stocks: I think it’s probably better to bet on $V and $MA instead of $LULU, $NKE, $DECK, $CROX, $SBUX and last but not least: $ONON which I have a small long position, thinking selling it around summer Olympics. I just sold few $LULU shares and I
Reading Time: 4 minutes (Below is from a tweet/X thread I wrote last year) #Performance testing is important. At the same time, we don’t want to the performance tuning too early, or set an unrealistic performance goal. A better way in my opinion is to tune/optimize the app (or web services) performance as it scales up (getting more users).
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