Category: Saint Louis

Reading Time: < 1 minute By now I think most people are happy with the election being over. At least we don’t have to bear with the silly ads on the TV any more. While I am not a political junkie, I went to the Jim Talent’s US senate re-election party in Frontenac last night. I figured rather than watching the TV

November 8, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I heard about the annual St. Louis International Film Festival every year, made a resolution to go there every year, but never made it. This year’s festival is coming, Nov 9 to 19. Here is the list of movies. There will be three Chinese movies, they are: Stolen Life starring Zhou Xun (Saint Louis Art Museum Thursday, November

November 6, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute AA is doing a promotion of flight from US to Shanghai (PVG). A ticket from St. Louis to Shanghai is just $688 (before tax); the full ticket will be about $850 including tax. There are some restriction such as (from Reservations are required. Tickets must be purchased at least 7 days prior to departure

October 31, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute And today they had a big parade in the downtown St. Louis, from Union Station to the Busch Stadium. I took the newly completed metro link from Brentwood to the Stadium; and it took an hour to get there because there are too many people taking the train. Unlike the metro (subway) in Shanghai, the light railway

October 29, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Did quite a bit shopping lately. This all started one Monday evening I felt bored and went to shopping mall. I stepped into a “Sleep Solutions” store and the associate showed me the “personal computerized sleep profile analysis”. This reminded me of similar computerized thing in a shoe store. Basically it helps the consumer choose

October 23, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I saw lots of World Series T-shirt coming to the stores since Cardinals clinched a spot on Thursday night. Of course here in St. Louis most shirts are in red, the color of Cardinals. I found the following one at local Sams Club store, which is neutral, and the design is kind cute. Being a

October 22, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute St. Louis Cardinals won the NY Mets 3:1 tonight. It was a close game, and a good one. The only thing is I watched it at home just by myself, should have gone to some sports bar and seen some happy fans. I took a few pictures from TV screen.

October 19, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Panera Bread stock (PNRA) had a quite good run recently. There are mixed reactions from the Wall Street, Jim Cramer likes it (regional to national expansion), while Herb Greenberg is cautious about it. In my opinion, its new product, crispani pizza (intended more for dinner) is the key for growth. I have tasted the free

October 16, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Visited a few wineries in Augusta this past weekend. I have been there couple times and still enjoyed it. The view from Montelle Winery is always good (see the picture below). Not many people are aware that Missouri is the second largest winer maker in the US (second to California). Here is a link of some wineries.   

October 16, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s not pleasant to have power outage, but it’s cool to check the power status from the web. Not to mention that the power is back. Now go Cardinals (against NY Mets in NLCS)! ============================== Recent Outage (Restored in the last 48 hours.) Outage start date/time:   Wednesday Oct 11, 2006 5:28 PM Outage status:   Power

October 12, 2006
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