Category: Politics

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 11-20-2024) Here is my Bluesky social profile. || I think I may need to go back to Twitter to back up some data, from time to time. I did a backup in last year but I think it was a big json file. Two things I may miss: one is health/fitness tips; another one

April 11, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes American healthcare systems are probably the most convoluted healthcare system in the world. The US probably has the world most advanced medical device and pharmaceuticals industry, many brilliant doctors and great hospitals, e.g., the BJC hospital in the St. Louis area, which is one of the top research hospital in the USA. At the same

November 19, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes iPhone Health 深度好文:台湾为何与我们渐行渐远?原文作者:廖信忠 (baidu) || I just noticed the article from Twitter. Also noticed A City of Sadness (悲情城市) from the comments. Personally my earlier view on re-union between mainland and Taiwan was shattered after seeing the Russia / Ukraine war since Feb 24, 2022. And it also reminded me of the recent Zero Covid

August 7, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been in the US since 1997, and I have seen plenty of disfunction or ugliness of the US politics, mainly on the executive branch and legislative branch. Things from the Bill Clinton Lewinsky scandal, mainly his lying and the subsequent impeachment, to George W Bush’s mishandling of Iraq war and probably a lot

June 26, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute 来美国已有十年, 美国大选也经历了三届. 从两千(1999)年的布什, 戈尔佛罗里达选举大战, 到最后最高法院介入. 套用我前同事的话, 最高法院(注意: 不是老百姓)选了布什. 2004年, 民主党想夺回白宫, 不少仁人志士跃跃欲试, 参与初选. 先是狄恩(HOWARD DEAN), 这老兄本是医科出身, 偶然的机会参政, 任美国东北部佛蒙特州长十余年, 倒是把这个东北农业州治理得井井有条. 想必也与医生出身, 做事理性务实有关. 他在任内最主要成就, 是实现了州财政盈余. 要知道在他当政之前该州多年财政赤字. 言归正传, 狄兄作为小州的州长, 虽有政绩, 但是缺少资金和全国的名气. 他想到了一招, 用网络来传播他的施政纲领和筹款. 还记得MEETUP.COM, 这个(网上)组织聚会的网站, 当时的名气有点像现在的YOU TUBE. 不知道是DEAN和MEETUP是谁帮谁出了名, 结果是DEAN筹的款最多. IOWA(衣阿华)CAUCUS之前, 戈尔大哥也宣布支持DEAN. 看来民主党提名是非DEAN莫属. 民意调查也显示DEAN领先.

February 23, 2008
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