Category: Politics

Reading Time: 2 minutes A Chinese version (google translated) is here. First some background. Time: 6 Reasons Why Joe Biden Pardoned Hunter Biden MSNBC (Opinion): The unfair prosecution of Hunter Biden is over — finally The View cohosts react to Joe Biden pardoning Hunter Biden: ‘This is why people don’t trust Washington’ Personally, I agree with all the above.

December 3, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes Or that honor will go to Trump? I don’t know. One thing I do know is if past experience predicts future, it doesn’t look good 🙁 The only good news is as you can see from the google search, past experience doesn’t always predict future 🙂 The problem I see is we don’t have a

November 30, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes Comey concedes he may have been responsible for Trump’s election Bill Clinton Casts Blame on Hillary’s Presidential Defeat, Explains His Jeffrey Epstein Ties Trump picks Kash Patel to head FBI : FBI directors by law are appointed to 10-year terms as a means of insulating the bureau from politics. Wray, whom Trump tapped after firing

November 30, 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday afternoon, I attended the visitation of a former colleague. Although my boss and colleague didn’t say explicitly, it’s quite apparent to me, that the former colleague took his own life. This is the charity the family suggest donation in lieu of flowers. I googled “PTSD for veterans”, and this resource website by pops

November 19, 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute 美国今年又是总统大选年。自从川普2016年参选以来,美国的政治也是两派撕裂,有时甚至波及到家庭。比如说家里一个是川粉,另一个是坚定的民主党(有时又被叫为民猪党,或白左),夫妻反目或离婚的都有。有时即使同是共和党,比如川普的高参 Kellyanne Conway 和她的老公 George Conway (他是反川派)好像也在办离婚。在微信群里面我的同学就是再说:就像曼德拉把南非带入深渊,奥巴马把美国带入深渊。下面是我的反驳。 南非我不知道:我没有去过,听说过一些,但是我的生活/生命宗旨是seeing is believing 或者说I am from show me state (Missouri). 我来美国27年,先后经历过克林顿,小布什,奥巴马,川普(特朗普),和拜登当总统。大事经历过9-11,08年金融危机, Obama 当选为美国历史上第一位黑人总统,10年三月国会通过affordable care act 俗称Obama Care, 2016年川普击败希拉里,2020年疫情,2021年一月六号国会山的那一摊事(我知道多数右派,共和党人士不认为这个是大事,虽然彭斯和佩洛西,还有那赵女士的老公估计是被吓了一跳)。我觉得美国现在虽然有这样那样的问题,想来美国的人还是远超过想离开美国的人。我也相信所有这些美国总统们心底里都是希望美国越来越好。我知道我在一个比较woke 政治正确的人,但是对我本人来说,我没有political ambitions, 我已年过半百,下(小)半辈子估计也是在美国过了。虽然有时开玩笑去这里,去那里,但是小孩是美国人,她们在这里,我们最后我想也在这里吧。我心底里希望,美国也好,南非🇿🇦也好,中国🇨🇳也好,大家都好。希望我们的下一代越来越好 🙂 PS: 忘了两个较大的事:同性恋课可以结婚(2015),联邦层面堕胎不再合法(2022)。分别是Obama, Biden 在人任时最高法院裁定。也是美国人民政治群众生活中的大事。美国在过去27年中最高法院一直是保守派占多数:共和党总统提名的大法官占多数,以前5:4, 现在6:3. 美国迄今为止没有亚裔的总统和大法官。以前我很希望我的大女儿能打破这个glass ceiling. 这次Kamala 也许能打破一个。我老大现在对从政,做律师兴趣不大,她一般至少要四十几岁才能做到那个位置,我要争取活到活到八九十碎。当然第一步是见到她们高中大学毕业🎓 🙂 PS2: 我想起来了:严格里说,Obama 是属于那种坐火箭上去的干部。美国总统一般来说比较理想的是做过州长,副总统,参议员等。他的经历有点像林肯:另一个从伊利诺伊州出来的总统。 Last but not least, I like to share this X post from Joseph

July 29, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes Not intend to be a political topic. At least I am not interested in starting a debate around politics. In reverse chronicle order. Please navigate away or close the tab as you see fit. Ukraine: don’t know. The congress may or may not pass the new aid bill. Right now it’s stuck in the house

March 31, 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute Amid the recent events, and I listened and watched quite a bit of YouTube videos and read a bit Twitter (now X) and some articles. It’s a complex issue and my only hope is we lose as fewer civilians as possible. I believe all lives are equal and unfortunately quite a few other people (some

October 15, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes 今天09/26/23 礼拜二美国总统拜登成为第一个在任总统正式加入美国汽车工人工会(UAW)的举牌子走路活动。但是凭我在美二十多年的观察,美国工会包括UAW的力量比克林顿当总统时应该是变弱了。美国的工会在历史上对劳苦大众的工资待遇是有帮助的:比如说煤矿的工会。我自己大概十一年前在煤炭公司上过班,我是白领,有一回我去参观了地下煤矿,据说这个是在美国算是非常先进的地下煤矿了,但是在地下总的感觉是非常不好。我想到工人他们在地下吃中饭,我们所谓的管理人员在办公室吃 Director of Business Process Improvement 让秘书准备的 Chicken Salad Sandwich. If you are curious about the daily lives in West Virginia and the coal mines there, there are quite a few videos on YT such as this one. 记得大概20年前,村里grocery store 的packers and cashiers 也举牌子走路。我也支持她们,not crossing picket line. 就去中国店或是Aldi 买菜。我个人印象较深的是有一回美国UPS 工人罢工,那次好像影响较广。好像也是我刚来美国不久,August 1st – August 19,

September 26, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I saw the flag was lowered at a local bank, and I knew it’s the 22nd anniversary of Sept-11, 2001, and I still remember that day. That morning, I was watching TV before going off to work, and it appears to me something hit the twin tower, and there was helicopter responding to the

September 11, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 11-20-2024) Here is my Bluesky social profile. || I think I may need to go back to Twitter to back up some data, from time to time. I did a backup in last year but I think it was a big json file. Two things I may miss: one is health/fitness tips; another one

April 11, 2023
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