Reading Time: 2 minutes I have started working for about 6 years. Although I worked for the same employer and stayed in the same city, I can tell some of my changes in all these years. First is hobbies. I used to be crazy about the cars. I can tell the most cars’ make and model on the street, except some
Reading Time: 2 minutes I first heard about this “affordable luxury” term when I bought my Nissan Altima GLE, with sun roof and leather seat, about 6 years ago. The Nissan salesman told me Altima is an “affordable luxury” car. By that he meant the car has the features I mentioned above, plus alloy wheel (looking good), and the price is affordable (MSRP $22015, I got
Reading Time: 2 minutes “Over-worry” is probablly not a good word to describe the Americans because if you go to malls these days, you know why: people are shopping like everything is free. Just kidding. I do think the consumer spending of developed nations especially the US is a big driver for the economy growth in developing countries such
Reading Time: 2 minutes I remember there is a movie called “Karate Kids”, but I am not talking about that; I am going to talk about the kids in my Taekwondo classes. Since I joined the local Taekowndo club, I have seen many kids, and what impressed me most is not the kid who got black belt at the
Reading Time: < 1 minute OK, I will take a break from the stock lesson today. I am going to talk about the TV media here. I bet president Bush doesn’t like what he sees on TV these days, not just daily casualties in Iraq and Afganistan, and the conspiracy theory of lower gas price. Being a president, the president can not be a winner on this gasoline
Reading Time: 2 minutes Set a realistic goal, e.g., 20% return in one year. Don’t get too carried away from other people’s success and try to emualte it without learning its risk. I have some hefty goals in the past two years. To be more exact, although I don’t have a number (for percentage gain), I know I have some wild expectations from time to
Reading Time: 2 minutes Grass is always greener on the other side. I first heard this from a coworker and I found it describes human nature very well. Remember when we were kids, some of us felt the meals at our neighbours or relatives’ home taste better the our own home? I made this mistake when I first started trading into stock markets a few years ago. It
Reading Time: < 1 minute On the plane I met an old guy from Washington DC, he told me his 2 weeks China trip is wonderful (he and his wife went to Beijing, Xi’an, Congqing and Yangze River). To light up the conversation, I asked him if he is a politician. He said “No” seriously, then he said: I am not
Reading Time: 2 minutes Just got back from a 3 weeks China trip and it was fantastic, except now I have to recover from the jet lag. I received an email from a new friend titled “给最真诚的人敬礼“. To be honest, this email made me feel real good. While in Shanghai I had similar experience when a friend gave the comment that I
Reading Time: < 1 minute Watched the Charlie Rose Show with Warren Buffett Part 2. One interesting comment from Warren Buffett is “when I decided to buy a stock, I intended to hold the stock for life. I don’t have an exit strategy”. This is really something. In the reality I think Warren does sell stocks from time to time,
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