Reading Time: < 1 minute The Indian Mumbai incident caught a lot attention these two days (started on Wednsday Nov. 27 10 PM Indian time). Obviously this is extra-ordinary and tragic event (there are no winners). But I would like to share two story I heard yesterday and today, both of which are much closer to our daily lives. I
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is probablly the most expensive lunch: Chinese fund manager Zhao Dan Yang won the Buffett lunch bid for $2.1 million (International Herald Tribune). The proceeds benifit Glide foundation, a San Francisco based charity formerly supported by Warren Buffett former wife Susan Buffett (Susan passed away in 2005?). My 2 cents I was surprised by
Reading Time: < 1 minute Don’t know exactly when I learned about Tim, most likely the Bush-Gore 2000 election. But I do remember watching Tim at Meet the Press on Sunday mornings after that. (source: CNET) The thing I like about Tim Russert is: he always asks intelligent questions, provide objective information for the audience to consume, not personal views;
Reading Time: < 1 minute Finanlly I got the free Wifi here at Jackson, WY, the foot hill town of Grand Teton National Park. The Anvil hotel has free Internet, which is better than the fees starting from $9.95 at Hilton at SLC. Back in STL, I noticed Chinese politicians, led by vice Premier Wang Qi Shan (note he is
Reading Time: < 1 minute CFA level I exam It’s here. I have already sharpened the H2B pencils; prepared the backup battery for calculator. I will check out the test place today. Tomorrow I am going to spend the whole day for the test. NBA final and European championship soccer I don’t care too much about the NBA final these
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update May 13) I put two links about Sichuan earthquake on the top of middle side bar: one in Chinese; one in English. Yesterday afternoon when I listened to NPR Melissa Block live report (click on listen: Melissa Block at a shattered school) from Chengdu/China, I was almost in tears. Melissa was in Chengdu for
Reading Time: 2 minutes Wheat, Rice Couple weeks ago I noticed Panera raised its bagel price from 95 cents to $1.01, because of the sharp rise of wheat price. We all know bread flour is made from wheat. The wheat price has been up 50% in last 6 months, due to draught in key wheat producing country Australia. Interestingly
Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday was a quite amazing day for stock market. The US market (Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq) went up the most in 5 years, after the dear friend of Wall Street (Mr. Ben Bernanke) cut the interest rate by 0.75%. Here are details in the news (Dow 416 points gain, Fed rate cut sends market soaring).
Reading Time: 2 minutes I would like shift my focus away from the stock market, and dedicate this special day to Nanjing and Chinese people all over the world. Nanjing is the sister city of Saint Louis. Many Chinese people (e.g., my friend Wang Jianshuo) know the Nanjing Masasccre happened 70 years ago. Couple days ago I heard a
Reading Time: < 1 minute Read this post from WesternFord, and found those beautiful pictures taken in Wuhan Univ. and Huangzhou Univ of Science and Technology. It reminded me the college days at HUST. Hope to visit it again in the near future, last time I visited was year 2002. While Huazhong is mostly an engineering school, it also has
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