Reading Time: 2 minutes My 14 year old (when she was almost 14) decided to switch to this electric toothbrush given by the Orthodontist office and after a while she wanted to order the replacement toothbrush heads. This is not the most common electric toothbrush and I had to order the replacement heads at the their official website. But
Reading Time: 7 minutes 中文翻译(主要是谷歌翻译的,我做了一点修改)在这里。 This is probably the 3rd time we stayed in a hospital in America – if we count the time we spent in the Mercy for our 2 babies delivery (baby number 1 and number 2). Last week in my blog I talked about our little baby got sick. As she didn’t get better, we
Reading Time: 2 minutes Our 10 year old got sick on the 1st day of Labor Day weekend – 8/31 Saturday. She has violin private lesson and we had to do it over the Zoom. Initially we didn’t think too much of it, but on Monday 9/2, as we didn’t see her getting any better we decided to go
Reading Time: 2 minutes This probably should be the series 2 of Ladue high school, we are coming, series I is here and I wrote it about 9 months ago. Now it’s real – which means, every morning, I have to be patient about the traffic on Warson road. And I am very proud to announce: so far I
Reading Time: 2 minutes T-Mobile I think I started using T-Mobile probably from year 2012, ever since my 2-year contract with AT&T ended. I got the 2-year contract when I bought iPhone 4 at the Apple Store in fall 2010. H2O Note with T-Mobile, I did not sign up the data plan. And In year 2014, I started looking
Reading Time: 2 minutes This article can also be read on Medium Sometimes called 科学上网 in CHN Mac: VPN Prime – Unlimited Proxy 4+ iPhone, iPad VPN – Super Unlimited Proxy 4+ Both are free, and both have add-ons that are available for purchase. I verified them on my trip and they work for the most part, iPhone app sometimes takes a few tries to
Reading Time: 3 minutes Note: I also published this to Medium, and the friend link is here. Our younger daughter turned to 10 the day before yesterday. And our older daughter is about 4 years older, so basically I have been a dad for a bit over 14 years. Being dad is not an easy job. Last few years
Reading Time: 6 minutes Since pandemic, I have been back to China twice, last year in the spring break of school year 2022/2023, which was the 1st time I visited China since pandemic, when the PRC (People’s Republic of China) just relaxed in-bound travel in Jan 2023, and I booked ticket on Jan 29, 2023 via – refer
Reading Time: < 1 minute This article is also available on Medium, and 航空公司 发现加航🇨🇦的loyalty member (Aeroplan)在飞机上用微信,手机短信等是免费的。不用花钱或点数买inflight WiFi:感觉又赚了一个亿[捂脸]。航空公司其实很难赚钱:成本在那里,固定成本和浮动成本等。但是另一方面愿意额外付钱的客户不多:比如说inflight WiFi, 比如说duty free product sale等等。股神巴菲特也说过类似的话:我估计他老人家在上回pandemic 那次卖了航空股以后就不会再玩航空公司的股票债券了:他老人家今年有93或94岁了。|| 我个人觉得纯从商业的角度出发,信用卡公司的商业模型business model 比航空公司好太多:她们基本上就是高速公路和谷歌的收买路钱的方法。不过在中国大陆感觉支付宝和微信支付基本上打遍天下无敌手,Visa 和万事达两大巨头基本上可以洗洗睡了。前两者的对商家来说成本比信用卡低太多。Alipay 和WeChat Pay 在香港也很拼,有不少商家也开始接受人民币的微信支付/支付宝。不过香港的payment 有点复杂:感觉基本上是八达通Octopus, 信用卡💳包括digital wallet Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Alipay, WeChat pay等;还有出租车也就是的士🚕和地铁🚇需要的港币现钞。我用CS debit card 直接在银行的ATM机上取了些港币现钞。感觉在大陆用现钞的地方比香港少很多,基本上微信和支付宝都可以搞定。|| 离港上飞机之前有个小插曲,紧张程度有点类似于我上次工作中play as tech lead for production release:中间也出了点不大不小的问题,好在最后在超级队友的支持下,有惊无险。我感觉自己还是在这些大大小小的事情中,不断学习,提高自己[微笑] 中国好还是美国好 我被问到的一个常见的问题是:中国好还是美国好?我觉得各有千秋吧。比如说火车:美国的火车客运还停留在中国的绿皮车年代,中国的高铁确实挺牛。Amtrak 没有固定位置: no assigned seat 💺 on
Reading Time: 2 minutes Things to pay attention when we are over 50 (I borrowed this paragraph from a high school classmate in mailand CHN) 我来说几句吧,不妥之处请大家指正:1. 一定要有医保,有能力的可以适当配点商业保险 2. 同学们都巳年过半百了,各种慢性病会慢慢出来,应该学习一点医学常识。个人建议关注以下几个(微信)公众号: 丁香医生/ 菠萝因子/ 营养师顾中一 Below is my own cooking Exercise 锻炼身体:running, jogging, and walking 跑步,慢跑,走路 are all good. Many other good cardiovascular exercise 心血管运动 include cycling, swimming, and tennis. Take your
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