Category: kids

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I had a small scare at the CC lake. I was chatting with friends while keep an eye on Sophia the 5 year old. Serenity the 10 year old went paddle boarding with friend with their moms permission. I found out after the fact, and when I asked the moms (my wife and Serenity

June 27, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes Family photos of my grandma, my father, me, and my 2 older brothers. This was taken by my father’s friend in middle 1970s (1976?). It appears both my 2nd brother and myself did not start school yet, as we did not have the red collars on our necks: a bit like boy scouts and girl

May 10, 2020

Reading Time: < 1 minute A brain teaser kind of question at GregTang math (I just heard bout GregTang and the problem recently at a school event): use 6, 7, 8 and 9, plus any addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to make the result of calculation as 10 (only use each number once, can use any kind of parenthesis as

January 11, 2019

Reading Time: < 1 minute Last Friday evening, when I was at a gathering at Shack, for a fundraising event my daughter’s school association (usually called parent teacher organization or PTO in other schools), with auction and beer/food etc. I was talking to a dad, since his kid is same grade as my daughter. I said “I know your wife

November 5, 2017

Reading Time: < 1 minute I buy Lego mostly for my daughter and her friends’ birthday gifts. There are 5 stores I usually go (both online and offline): Lego official website, Amazon (probably bought the most), Walmart (both online and store pickup), Target (online, free shipping with red card), and Toys R Us (both online and store pickup). Note in

March 22, 2017

Reading Time: < 1 minute Recently my wife and I are having some trouble find out a way to manage our old daughter’s at home behaviors, esp. around good working habit (wait until last minute to do homework or play piano), clean up the mess after playing, be nice to her younger sister, and last but not least, playdate with

March 19, 2017

Reading Time: < 1 minute There are many good summer day camps in St. Louis area. STLToday recently has a good piece on this topic. Personally my old daughter has been to the JCC Day Camp, and Andrews Academy. We like both, with a bit preference over Andrews: for its after care, and overall quality. Note cost-wise, Andrews is a

March 10, 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 28-Feb-2017) Just got back from the book fair in Spoede school, camp read a lot. It’s a lot of efforts from the volunteers and the teachers. At the same time a lot fun for the little kids and the families. Part of the profit goes to the SSA (the parent association of the school).

February 26, 2017

Reading Time: < 1 minute 昨晚在初中群里面惊闻我的初中物理老师姚仁汉老师,因病去世,年仅56(虚岁)。这里有相关的介绍, 还有这里, 和这里。 姚老师大学一毕业就来镇海中学(84年),我们(初二)是他的第一批学生,教了两年(初二初三)。除了教书,他还组织物理兴趣小组。记得他带我们坐公交汽车去他的母校(宁波师范大学)参观,这是我第一次看到天文望远镜。98年我有机会回到母校镇中,有幸遇见他,当时他好像已经是领导,负责整个初中部教学工作。记得他还是是憨憨的老样子。现在算来,他当时大学毕业(22岁),我们初二(13岁),他大我们十岁都不到。他就是我们的兄长。 借用一句兄弟班同学的唁文“人生有幸,在最好的年纪遇上最好的老师”。。。

February 25, 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes Those schools are considered speciality schools, because they have their own philosophy, which is NOT exactly the same as other private schools (both sectarian and non-sectarian). Pre-school Schools that care and educate the younger ones, some even have infant class. A growing place: it’s located at Forsyth and Big Bend road, next to Washington U.

February 16, 2017
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