Category: kids

Reading Time: 2 minutes This probably should be the series 2 of Ladue high school, we are coming, series I is here and I wrote it about 9 months ago. Now it’s real – which means, every morning, I have to be patient about the traffic on Warson road. And I am very proud to announce: so far I

September 1, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes Note: I also published this to Medium, and the friend link is here. Our younger daughter turned to 10 the day before yesterday. And our older daughter is about 4 years older, so basically I have been a dad for a bit over 14 years. Being dad is not an easy job. Last few years

July 17, 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute I happened to see this on twitter/X, and I would say the Middle Westeners have both (kind and nice πŸ™‚ I am in HK right now with my family, and my 14 year old commented STL is not as famous for tourism compared to Hong Kong. True. We are on the way from the US

June 24, 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute My 14 year old chose to do both Health and PE from Launch, an online program from Springfield MO school district. And she was doing camp or camp counselor duty as well, with Before Care responsibility for the counselor job. It seems this is more like regular school in steroids or turbo-charged. I think I

June 13, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dealing with my 14 y old: the new retainer got lost in a week. See: I was smart that I bought the “retainer insurance” πŸ™‚ If the opportunity arises, I would buy the “iPhone insurance” too (remember why I bought iPhone 15 : long story short, she accidentally broke her iPhone XR (which was passed

March 30, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes Below was started in year 2016, and I just finished it today 12-27-2023 Immanuel Lutheran Olivette Day School Come lord Jesus, be our guest, let those gifts to us be blessed. Hope Montessori Academy Creve Coeur Thank you for this day , thank you for this food, thank you for the friends we have and

December 27, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes Seven years ago, when my 12 year old was 5, and we sent her to a summer camp. One day she came back in the afternoon with wet clothes, and we were upset and I sent angry email to the camp lead counselor (adult who is in charge). At the beginning of last school year

October 26, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute FB Patch betterholmdeleducation (Platform) data, media (social media, year sign, email etc) Linda Zhang Irfan Lateef Ladue 2012 Ladue School Board Candidate Q&A With Sheri Glantz ” If funding allows, adding the option of Chinese to our foreign language department would be a priority.” (do I hear any volunteer here? Kidding. I mean a part time

December 12, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes Masks are much more widely available, and much more widely accepted now, compared to the early days of shutdown, or in February when the US was not directly impacted by COVID. I recall buying masks at Chinese grocery store, also at the (a subsidiary of Alibaba that serves customers outside of China). Also friends

July 13, 2020
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