Category: IPO

Reading Time: 2 minutes Two social media companies are in news today, Facebook released the new Paper app on iPhone, and Twitter announced the user growth is not as fast as the Wall Street liked. Maybe the 3rd, LinkedIn announced not so spectacular quarter after market today. I tried Facebook Paper app. To be honest I have been Facebook

February 6, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute Business week: Summary Box: China’s AgBank IPO nabs $19.2 billion. Wiki; Official web site of Ag Bank China’s (ABC, 中国农业银行股份有限公司). (source: ForeignHR) Bear case Ag bank of China primarily serves the less-developed regions and people in China: the rural areas, the villages, the farmers and peasants, the agriculture related business. Since the founding of People’s

July 6, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute First let’s mark Oct 14 2009: Dow 10,000 2.0 (Yahoo Tech-ticker video below) (did you notice the Yahoo ~~~ in the end, Yahoo became more goofy under Carol) My topic today is IPO. I have not got much luck from IPO investing (to be more precise, speculating). My lessons are the following:

October 16, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 22Oct09) SEC filing 424B4. (Original) I talked about Mistras (NYSE:MG) IPO briefly the other day. Today I read this “MatlinPatterson Global Sells $3M Worth of Huntsman“. And in this news I saw some insiders of Mistras bought some shares in IPO: Mistras Group (MG) Stamatakis Manuel N DIR 6,000 $75,000 Mistras Group (MG) Peterik

October 12, 2009

Reading Time: 4 minutes That’s not my observation, that’s what Graham, the value investing guru, said in his book “Intelligent Investor”. I think this is especially true in the current IPO market. Two large recent IPOs, Shanda Games (Nasdaq:GAME) and Banco Santander Brasil S.A. (BSBR, SANB11.BR), showed exactly that. Both traded lower the first day it went public. I

October 8, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute (11Nov09) The company announced Q3 09 results. Note the company had higher than expected expense on stock based executive compensation (related to IPO). Basically the company let the executive stock options vested upon IPO. (Update Oct 08, 2009) I sold it this afternoon (ET) at $10, and got the new IPO Mistras (NYSE:MG). Like I

October 5, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 2) Some employee reviews at jobvent. (Update) Market cap calculation: the company issued 5.7 m * $14 = $79.8 m. According to 424B4: (principle and selling shareholders), 1,714,710 shares is about 8.0 % (last row). 5.7 /1.715 * 8% = 3.3241 * 8% = 26.59%. So the market cap is about: $79.8 m /

October 2, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 2) It appears EDMC IPO had warm reception. After all, it’s backed by Goldman (both as investor and IPO underwriter). Also from Reuters. (Update) BTW, I found Echo Global Logistics IPO to be much more interesting, will write it up soon. (Original) Priced at $18 a piece (Reuters), quote: EDMC (web site), a provider

October 2, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Barrons has an article on solar plays, specifically it mentioned First Solar recent China project may not hold water. Interesting observation. I don’t know all the facts, but being curious, I listed some stuff here.

September 27, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes That’s exactly how I did with Shanda Games (Nasdaq:GAME) IPO today. Shanda is not new to me. I lost money on this one three years ago (see my old stock lesson here). I am not bitter about losing money either. Because after about 5 (6) years in US stock market, especially the roller coaster ride

September 25, 2009
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