Reading Time: 2 minutes We all know updating sqlite database on an existing iOS app could be tricky, esp. with any schema (table) changes. In the good old days when I was developing in-house app, I found out the app would crash when I added a column to the sqlite database, after merely updating the app. The problem was,
Reading Time: < 1 minute Dont’s Beat up people in code review or interview; Change other developers’ code without proper communication, or reasoning; worse, making the working code no longer work (sometimes to satisfying the “tests” 🙂 Do’s Learn, learn something everyday; Acknowledge our own limitations: acknowledge our mistakes if applicable, we all do make mistakes; In the same token,
Reading Time: < 1 minute Apple : the Swift language (unveiled in WWDC on June 2, 2014) Tutorials Developing iOS Apps Using Swift Tutorial Part 1 (Jameson Quave) References and reviews Matt Galloway : Swift Language Highlights: An Objective-C Developer’s Perspective ( The Verge : The Swift effect: Apple’s new programming language means way more iPhone developers and apps
Reading Time: 2 minutes Avoid the Payload validation error To shorten the review waiting time. I noticed this recently in my own apps update. The one without warning has much shorter review waiting time. The rationale is App thinks the app may use private API in this scenario (see this explanation on stackoverflow). From personal experience the one with
Reading Time: 2 minutes Should I put iAd to my iOS apps on iTunes App store? Should I put the google adsense back to my blog? The reason I am asking this question is: while personally I really don’t like the ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, or the iAds on some apps like Echofon, I understand this is a meaningful
Reading Time: 3 minutes Or am I? 🙂 I think I’m a pragmatic programmer. Note this is also a book title I read, by pragmatic (note not agile), I think it’s about balance between software quality, effort and delivery date. It’s also about releasing software with known risks (including bugs) 🙁 I thought about this as I started practicing
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have listened to Paul Kemp’s the App Guy Podcast (TAGP) recently, got to know this from @raywenderlich via twitter. Paul’s podcast is not purely technical, it’s more about entrepreneurship, and start own business. It’s an interview format. Paul usually asks indie developers (iOS, web, etc.) questions on how they get started, any pain points
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 03-05-2019, almost 5 years since original post) I did something similar for iPhone X, XR, XS screen size. Basically I stretched the Default-568h@2x.png to Default-375w-812h@3x.png and added that in the “launch image”. I also noticed the some of the nib files have the wrong constraints for label, textfield and button. I made some simple
Reading Time: < 1 minute I was listening/reading two stories on the college debt (source: NPR) and the financial well beings of millennials (source: fortune/cnn), which lead to to add some new features to the collegeFund app. The app was essentially a college savings (529 plan) and I did not thought too much of this college debt problem at the
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