Reading Time: < 1 minute Fannie/Freddie Short term I think it’s a deal for fed. But long term (it seems nobody is caring about long term these days), why should China continue to buy the Fannie/Freddie debt, for some premium over the US treasuries with substantial mortgage market risk (liquidity). I agree the US treasuries and Fannie/Freddie debt are co-related.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Original link here. Some discussions at trader1688. I don’t know even if Warren can come back from this one. Just like in soccer, when you are 0:10 and have 10 minutes left, basically even Maradona (wiki: Diego Maradona) can not help. That’s why we don’t want to “all in” (in this case, use margin) when
Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s the holiday season again, this weekend is the MO tax holiday for back-to-school season. Quote the MO state gov web site: Section 144.049, RSMo, establishes a sales tax holiday during a three-day period beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first Friday in August and ending at midnight on the Sunday following. Certain back-to-school purchases,
Reading Time: 2 minutes Olympics buzz at work place As the Beijing 2008 only 8 days away, I am hearing quite a bit Olympics query from coworkers lately, mostly from curiosity and good will (wish Beijing and China will do well). As a Chinese living in America, I certain also hope things also work out well, amid all the
Reading Time: 2 minutes My 2 cents on Cummins CMI (a while ago) I have watched CMI for a few months now, have not pulled the trigger yet. There was a brief chance around March 17. I dare not to buy it after it went above 50. Like commodity, short term CMI has some selling pressure because: 1) It’s
Reading Time: 2 minutes (What a week, Yahoo Tech-ticker, link) China’s role in the Fannie/Freddie mess As Fannie/Freddie crisis deepens, people find China in akward postion because China is the largest holder of 2F’s bonds: total $376.3 billion. I don’t know exactly how China got into this mess, but I think one reason is decision maker in China must
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update July 17) I went to Fazoli this evening to take some food home. Surprisingly there are many people again. Another sign average people are feeling the pinch in this recession. (Original) Fazoli has been my favorite lunch places for a while. Recently it got more and more crowded during lunch time. This seems strange
Reading Time: < 1 minute Recent market turmoil reminds me 6 years ago: Enron, WorldCom and Tyco scandals are all in the news. Even blue chip names like GE and Xerox have some corporate governance problems. GE gave excessive benifits to retired chairman Jack Welch, the benifits including Manhantan condo, free corporate jets, season tickets to Yankee baseball games etc.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday was another brutal day in the Wall Street, or the Bay Street (Toronto), or SSE (Shanghai Securities Exchange). According to the number, the Dow is now officially in bear territory. General Motor (NYSE:GM), a Dow component and an American icon, hit 53 years low. It closed at $11.43. So, should we go bottom fishing?
Reading Time: 2 minutes When I say a mutual fund manager, what kind of personality (impression) appears in your mind? A guy or a lady in his/her 40s, with financial education, 10 years or more experience in investment field… This is not the case in China. Due to the boom of China stock market in recent years, and the
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