Category: Investing

Reading Time: 2 minutes I went to my 9 year old (4th grader)’s class recently and tried to talk about the “The Stock Market Game” (btw, it looks like my main winner is Nike for now 🙂 Below is something I shared in my daughter’s class. I also tried to answer some questions on individual stocks too, e.g., Adobe,

October 29, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 11-22-2023) I think one of the main competitor for Jack Henry is Fidelity Information Services ($FIS), and it seems something happened in mid 2021, and FIS start underperforming against Jack Henry from that time. See the 20 year stock chart above. It looks like the WorldPay acquisition was the main culprit here (Reuters: FIS

October 15, 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is probably my only successful merge arbitrage speculation so far. By “success” I meant I am out after the recent US FTC failed attempt to stop the merge. Note the UK authority could still pose challenges or stop this thing completely. Although the market does expect the deal to close eventually. I didn’t speculate

July 24, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you want to guess the mutual fund (company) that lost the most in the First Republic Bank rout? I mean the mutual fund that held the most $FRC before it’s being closed by FDIC and since taken over by the JP Morgan Chase. I was a bit surprised to find that the Vanguard Group,

May 13, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes I joined Twitter back in March 2008, and it’s been 14 years since I joined it. I don’t remember the exact reason I joined it, but I think one reason is probably in the early days of iOS (iPhone) app development, many developers are on Twitter as well. In recent years, the platform has expanded

November 5, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes First: I am happy to say the kids to back to school. In the last 2 weeks before school starts, some days Sophia really got bored, and she let me know that. She asked me to to buy the humming bird feeder, among other things. I recall the days I shopped at Sears (hint, a

August 27, 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes (06-17-1023) (STL Business Journal) Matt Crisp, who co-founded Benson Hill, out as CEO of the publicly traded firm. Quote the article: Crisp received total compensation of $17.1 million for 2022, including a base salary of $613,462 as well as stock awards and incentive plan compensation. Benson Hill has recently enacted a “liquidity improvement plan” aimed

May 25, 2022

Reading Time: 5 minutes I went to Omaha last weekend, left STL on April 29 Friday, attended meeting on April 30 Saturday, and left Omaha back to STL on May 1st Sunday. The full comment and Q&A session (including the actual shareholder meeting) is broadcasted by CNBC and available at YouTube. Note when I drove to Omaha on Friday

May 7, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute PDFs Genenal info; Omaha visitor guide Hotel (below is copied from the general info PDF above) TRAVEL & HOTEL ASSISTANCEIf you need assistance in arranging lodging, we recommend contacting Travelink, American Express:Travelink, American ExpressHotline: (866) 301-3011(615) 277-5179 (Outside the U.S.)Email: to Hotels fill up fast, especially in the downtown area. There are many options

March 17, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes Looking at the 5, 10, and 20 years chart of $CAT, $LUV and $SPY, then $MA. It seems in 5 and 20 years, $CAT beats $LUV and $SPY, while the 10 year performance was the opposite. Note I haven’t counted the dividend (or dividend re-investing in all cases). Then when I put the $MA in

December 18, 2021
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