Reading Time: 5 minutes Or, put it bluntly, to combat my iPhone addiction 🙁 Why What do you do the 1st thing after you wake up? Hopefully you are not like me “yes you guessed it right, look at my iPhone and check the WeChat blah blah blah” 🙂 Sometimes I wonder if “I own the iPhone; or the
Reading Time: 2 minutes I’m talking about the unlocked iPhones. Because I don’t think the carrier promotions are “cheap” in the sense they usually make the money back from the monthly fees, and then more. I can think of a few places, some are probably cheaper, but I am not 100% sure about the quality (especially the battery life
Reading Time: 2 minutes T-Mobile I think I started using T-Mobile probably from year 2012, ever since my 2-year contract with AT&T ended. I got the 2-year contract when I bought iPhone 4 at the Apple Store in fall 2010. H2O Note with T-Mobile, I did not sign up the data plan. And In year 2014, I started looking
Reading Time: 2 minutes This article can also be read on Medium Sometimes called 科学上网 in CHN Mac: VPN Prime – Unlimited Proxy 4+ iPhone, iPad VPN – Super Unlimited Proxy 4+ Both are free, and both have add-ons that are available for purchase. I verified them on my trip and they work for the most part, iPhone app sometimes takes a few tries to
Reading Time: < 1 minute I received a new HP EliteBook 645 G10 for work recently. Note I wrote about Desktops, Laptops And Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI For Work 我在美国上班20多年用过的那些电脑 recently too. I recall with my 1st new work laptop, an IBM ThinkPad, as I was working from home in 2008, I would be somewhat concerned if the laptop fans
Reading Time: 4 minutes On Oct 13, 2015, I bought this Martian Watches Notifier Smartwatch – White from Amazon ($50). Note this is just a notification watch, and it can send the text message from phone to my watch. The reason I wanted it is because at that time, I was worried I could miss the text message over
Reading Time: < 1 minute 在2019年之前,我大概有二十年没有割草了。从1998年一月到1999年七月,我住在罗拉的美国大学生的兄弟会(Wikipedia fraternity; interestingly I joined the Delta Tau Delta fraternity (Epsilon Nu chapter) which is shown in the image when you do google search). 我在兄弟会的时候割过几次草。兄弟会有duty, 翻译成中文大概是值日值班的意思,我的任务里有不少是洗碗,偶尔也有割草。兄弟会是汽油的传统割草机:会有汽油的味道。印象最深的一次是大概是98年的夏天,兄弟会后面有较大的草地,我们一开始没有割草,后来发现有(不太友好的)邻居把我们举报了。马路对面的美国邻居是较友好的,我印像中他叫Bob May, 他告诉我们这个事。后来我们兄弟会有能力的美国小兄弟,去租了一个可以坐上去的割草机,把后面的草给割了。 我2000年十月份来圣路易斯以后,一直住公寓和康斗(Condo, 相当于买下来的公寓), 就不用担心割草的事。一直到19年夏天,搬到现在的独门独户的房子。 我一开始在亚马逊上买了这个 Greenworks 40V 16″ Cordless (Push) Lawn Mower,用了几年,效果还可以。一直到去年(2023年)春夏天,第一次割草时感觉很卡,割两下就熄火Shutdown. 我想两百多块的钱,用了快四年,也值了本了。正好在Costco 看到这个马力大的 Greenworks 80V 21″ Gen 2 Self-Propelled Mower, 还打折,就跳了。事后想想,打折的东西要稍加小心,也许有坑。 后来发现确实有坑:这个割草机的好处是马力大,也有自推的功能。她的缺点是一个电池基本上是坏的,还有她在草较长的时候也同样熄火。最近我联系了厂家,换了个电池。但是总的来说,她家说充满电一次可以割 0.75 acre 是达不到的。我家的院子大概是 0.28 acre,
Reading Time: 11 minutes 中文版 – 谷歌翻译 – 美国上班20多年用过的那些电脑 I started working in the US since Oct 2000. In a few years, hopefully I can retire from my current software dev job on my own terms (rather than let’s just say being replaced by AI :-). When I 1st started to working in the US, back in year 2000,
Reading Time: < 1 minute I wrote about it last year. And I just commented on Twitter about a question. I just noticed my 1st gen AirPods Pro is $258.19 on Amazon. Maybe I should tell my 14 year old to sell it and buy a new one 🙂 Other headsets I used and am using Another headset or headphone
Reading Time: 3 minutes and I got to learn how to connect the water supply to the fridge’s water dispenser/ice maker. We bought the fridge from Costco. Our old one eventually gave up last week (between Thursday and Sunday). I recall I talked about it here (this “GE Refrigerator Ice Maker not working” section). And on Sunday when I
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