Reading Time: < 1 minute I buy Lego mostly for my daughter and her friends’ birthday gifts. There are 5 stores I usually go (both online and offline): Lego official website, Amazon (probably bought the most), Walmart (both online and store pickup), Target (online, free shipping with red card), and Toys R Us (both online and store pickup). Note in
Reading Time: < 1 minute Recently my wife and I are having some trouble find out a way to manage our old daughter’s at home behaviors, esp. around good working habit (wait until last minute to do homework or play piano), clean up the mess after playing, be nice to her younger sister, and last but not least, playdate with
Reading Time: < 1 minute There are many good summer day camps in St. Louis area. STLToday recently has a good piece on this topic. Personally my old daughter has been to the JCC Day Camp, and Andrews Academy. We like both, with a bit preference over Andrews: for its after care, and overall quality. Note cost-wise, Andrews is a
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 28-Feb-2017) Just got back from the book fair in Spoede school, camp read a lot. It’s a lot of efforts from the volunteers and the teachers. At the same time a lot fun for the little kids and the families. Part of the profit goes to the SSA (the parent association of the school).
Reading Time: 2 minutes Those schools are considered speciality schools, because they have their own philosophy, which is NOT exactly the same as other private schools (both sectarian and non-sectarian). Pre-school Schools that care and educate the younger ones, some even have infant class. A growing place: it’s located at Forsyth and Big Bend road, next to Washington U.
Reading Time: < 1 minute 这可能是我写博客以来隔得最久的两篇相关文章。我说美国大选: I在这里。时隔八年,从上一次Obama”Yes We Can”到这一次Trump”Make America Great Again”. 从Google Search Engine Optimization(打败希拉里的主要原因之一,当时Facebook只是起步阶段)到这次Trump基本上垄断Twitter(参考1和2)。引用第一篇文章的一句话: But if the presidential election was a Twitter popularity contest—and thank God it’s not—one thing is clear: Trump would win by a landslide. 其实Internet和Web从2004年就被采用,当年HOWARD DEAN用的Tool是Meetup,这个网站有点不温不火,现在还是一个IT User Group常用的聚会工具。 这一次Trump居然赢了。其实我认为核心原因还是美国选民思变,奥巴马8年执政,在很多方面推行过于Liberal的政策,比如说这个学校LGBT学生上哪个厕所,他老人家(他手下的教育部的人)要公立学校允许LGBT学生挑选她/他们认为合适的厕所。这个事引起很大反响/反感。当然还有经济上的原因。这十几年,说实话,中产阶级,尤其是蓝领,工作被外包,日子江河日下。这个是关键(从小布什到奥巴马)。新媒体有影响,但应该是次要的。
Reading Time: < 1 minute Why I am saying that? I am the only active person among my “Fitbit friends”. So I assume it could means a few things: 1) All my friends stopped wearing Fitbit; 2) All my friends did not sync (or their Fitbit could not sync, which I admit is a real problem for Fitbit); 3) All
Reading Time: < 1 minute Serenity started 1st grade this fall. Same school. I have some ideas on first grade, mostly around the homework, “more serious school” vs. the kindergarten which has more play time. I learned from fellow parents last year when they talked about it after MFS (I volunteered there). Seeing is believing. Serenity now has been in
Reading Time: < 1 minute 1) Confident, independent (not blindly follow other or influenced by others opinion), strong (not easily quit, grit, or perseverance) ; 2) Empathy, humility, know how to wear other people’s shoes and feel other people’s pain (同情心); 3) 不卑不亢(english translation? It seems bullet 1 covers this too. List it here as this is my father taught
Reading Time: 2 minutes Talking about tests exams and realized I made a big mistake, this happens quite often when I was in middle school. My solution to that was not talk about or think about it after a test. But that did not work for Gaokao. As we had to estimate how we did after the test, then
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