Reading Time: < 1 minute What’s the common characters among book, coffee and music? Besides you can have them all in Borders or Barnes&Nobles. They all can fill your soul. One would wonder while that’s true for book and music, how can the coffee fill our souls? Well, that’s what I heard from Howard Schultz on today’s “60 minutes”. Mr.
Reading Time: < 1 minute I came across this top 50 best jobs list a while ago. I was very surprised to see my job, software engineer, as many of my friends’ jobs, is on the top of the list. I got the hard copy of magazine today and confirmed this. I have quite a few friends who are college
Reading Time: < 1 minute I watched quite a bit NCAA men’s basketball this weekend. Although I am not a big basket ball fan, I like to watch college basktet ball (more than NBA) because the college game is more fun. First, the game is shorter (40 minutes total). Second, I can see more team work in play because there
Reading Time: < 1 minute The highlights of the Torino Olympics, Ladies figure skating will start tonight. American Sasha Cohen and Russian Irina Sluskaya will be the favorites. While I like both of them, I hope Irina could win because she went through a lot (illness) in recent years and I like her personality better. Compared to Sasha, Irina is
Reading Time: 2 minutes On the bus to Ningbo (Beilun), I fell asleep. I needed this break — past 2 weeks were not easy for me, I felt much relaxed when I could go home. I have choosen the bus ever since the highway from Shanghai to Ningbo was complete and the bus service launched. I still remember the
Reading Time: < 1 minute Ma Yun (Jack Ma) is the founder of Alibaba. Although I don’t agree everything he says, I like his personalities and stories… I read this article from Wenxuecity, here is the link. ========================================= 马云的纯真年代:内心深处那位女孩是块玉 《英才》杂志 或许是太瘦,马云胳膊显得很长。他的手从雪白的衣袖中垂下来,几乎垂到膝盖上。他沉浸在回忆里,时而欣喜,时而愤怒。 他的手永远在空中挥舞,说几句就忍不住换一个姿势,好像随时准备展开搏击。 马云的“语录”之一是“男人的胸怀是冤枉撑大的,受的冤枉越多,胸怀越大”。这句话中,不仅有愤怒,委屈和自我解嘲,而且饱含宽容。在与现实世界的抗争中,究竟是什么让他始终斗志盎然,意气狂狷? 那个叫曾瑾的小女孩 幼时,马云很敏感。 马云爷爷是保长,属“黑五类”。由于被欺太甚,这个从来不和人争吵的男人有一次终于不能忍受了。结果,警察到家里来,很多同学也趴在窗户上看热闹。警察当面大声呵斥,“只许你老老实实,不许你乱说乱动”。当时,这句话很经典。 不幸的是,语文课本里也有这句话。那节课,马云只好硬着头皮听,老师念到那句话时,一个孩子扭过头,看了马云一眼。“哗”的一下,马云的课本就砸过去了。那孩子更猛,把整个书包猛掷过来。马云躲闪不及,书包里的铁文具盒角刚好撞在额角,顿时血流如注。 关于“七人之中必定有混蛋”的认识,或许在这时已经萌芽了。而“六人之中必定有俊杰”的论断中,或许隐藏着更多的温暖。 喜欢打抱不平,经常帮别人打架。少年马云坚定不移地践行他在武侠小说中看到的“侠骨仁心”。 到了小学四年级,他在学校又帮人打架,白骨都露出来了。没有麻药,只好直接缝针。“虽然很疼,但我当时眼泪都没掉一滴。”马云的勇敢赢得同学的好感,期末评三好学生时,他本以为自己肯定没问题,结果却没人推荐提名。 终于,一个女孩子站起来说,我选马云。马云吃了一惊,因为当时男女生互相不说话,更不能有好感。马云太感动了,而能不能评上三好学生对他而言,已经不再重要。直到今天,他仍记得那个西安女孩的名字:曾瑾。他强调说,是玉字旁的“瑾”。 在他内心深处,这是一块不折不扣的玉。 漂亮的地理老师 各门课中,马云最得意的就是英文。 英文好,他才能念杭州师范大学外语系,才能做英文老师,才有海博翻译社,才有机会到美国接触互联网,也才有后来的阿里巴巴。 为什么喜欢英文? 读中学时,教地理的女老师非常漂亮,讲课让人如沐春风。马云特别崇拜她。 后来,这老师讲了一件事,马云受益终生。她说,在西湖边上,几个外国人问她中国地理,她英文也很好,自然对答如流。老师总结说,你们要学好地理,不然他们问你的时候,你会给中国人丢脸。 一回家,马云就花6毛多钱,买了个纸喇叭,每天听英文广播。地理老师常去的西湖边,也成了他的最爱。遇到外国人,马云就凑上去和人讲话。他的英语口语就这样一天天流利起来。 有了兴趣,才能做好。马云坚信这一点。而在兴趣基础上建立起来的实力,“就是一次次失败的积累。只要不把我打死,还会再来过。霉运当头时,要跳出来看,放弃不等于用头撞墙。搞不过就绕一下。学会放弃,才开始成功。”
Reading Time: < 1 minute A few signs I am getting older: I don’t need an alarm clock to wake me up. The night before if I remind myself to get up early in the morning, I usually do wake up early. After walking 4 miles (6 kms), I can feel my knee is sore. I went to the St.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Couple days ago I went to see a Dentist/Hygienist for routine checkup. Visiting dentist is not my favorite task because my teeth are not that great and my hygienist made me feel very unconfortable last year, both physically and emotionally. So I chose a different dental office this year. To my surprise, this new hygienist
Reading Time: < 1 minute I went to P. F. Chang this evening with my coworkers. Before today I heard from one (American) coworker that it has great food; I also heard from my Chinese friends that it’s all American Chinese food. I got chance to see the real thing today. It was not as expensive as I thought. The
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