Reading Time: < 1 minute Diwali is the most important festival in India. I went to the Indian students Diwali party here at Washington Univ, Olin school of business. This is the second time I went to the Diwali: the first one was 7 years ago (1999) when I was in graduate school at Rolla. I like the enthusiasm Indian students
Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw this article from my friend Liu Shuhui’s blog. I think it’s kind of interesting because I thought my green card situation is very much like that. Not to mention the stocks, let’s don’t go there today 🙂 ====================== 譬如公车平常是十五分钟一班,当你花在等待的时间超过十分钟后,你会开始烦躁不安,但通常你会继续等下去,等到超过十五分钟公车还不来时,你除了咒骂外,也开始感到‘后悔’——你应该在十五分钟前就走路或坐计程车去的。 但通常你还会继续等下去,因为你已‘投资了那么多的时间’,不甘心现在改坐计程车,结果就越陷越深,无法自拔,直到公车姗姗来迟,你心理的困境才获得解脱。 但人生有很多‘目标’,并不像公车那样‘必定会来临’,而且投资的也不是你‘个人的时间’而已。如何避免蹈入陷阱在人生道上,如何避兔蹈入这类‘陷阱’,也是一门不小的学问,心理学家鲁宾(J.E.Rubin)的建议是: 1.确立你投入的极限及预先的约定:譬如投资多少钱或多少时间? 2.极限一经确立,就要坚持到底:譬如邀约异性,自我约定‘一次拒绝就放弃’,不可改为‘五次里面有三次拒绝才放弃。’ 3.自己打定主意,不必看别人:事实证明,两个陌生人在一起等公车,‘脱身’的机会就大为减少,因为‘别人也在等!’ 4.提醒自己继续投入的代价。 ==================
Reading Time: 2 minutes When I was taking my first C++ class at graduate school, the professor has a favorite word “you guys should write a program that works, because if it does not work, you are writing a novel not a program”. Although I did wrote “novels” in one of his program assignments, I remembered his words since
Reading Time: < 1 minute Thought this is funny. The RedHat webmaster must be busy. After Oracle announced the RedHat linux support, now Microsoft joined the party – it announced the partnership with RedHat’s rival, Novell’s SUSE linux. So this is what I saw from RedHat’s web page: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is a good one. I got this from a programmer friend. Open a new document from Microsoft Word, type in the following: =rand(100,2) then hit “enter” or “return”. What did you got? There are many similar interesting hacks in the software we use daily. I think it’s just a way for programmer to express
Reading Time: < 1 minute Just for fun… The power you desire lives in your heart. (yesterday) Next week at this time, something good is coming your way! (today)
Reading Time: < 1 minute I did not realized my cell phone did not ring until yesterday. I was suspicious of my missing calls in past a few days. But as I normally set it to “vibrate” mode and it did vibrate when I wear it, it disguised the real problem. Basically my Motorola V600 did not ring and the speaker phone is
Reading Time: < 1 minute There are a lot of hype about Web 2.0 lately. As I learned more about it and I believe some are not just hypes, e.g., the RSS, XML, and the bookmarking site with social networking and tagging capabilities. I have 5 computers (3 at home, and 2 at work), and I used 3 of them frequently. I would like to
Reading Time: 2 minutes Shortky after I wrote the web 2.0 article, I got comment from Andy and he mentioned his new site I checked it out and it was cool. As I said when I first saw the about a year ago, I thought it was a very useful tool. Basically it combines the listings on Craigslist
Reading Time: < 1 minute Watching Brazil playing the soccer is a treat. They make the game look easy.
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