Reading Time: < 1 minute Heelys sold 5.1 million pairs of its walk/skate shoes in the US during 2006. Note in the US there are about 36 million kids between age of 6 to 14, Heelys’ core customer. In other words, every one out of 7 kids in the US got a pair of Heelys, which sells from $49.99. The
Reading Time: < 1 minute Pacific Epoch is a boutique investment research firm based in Hongkong (and Shanghai?). I read its China financial news from time to time, and liked its content. It also provide services and reports to institutional investors. This is the price tag for translating a Chinese article, $5000 (to see a bigger pic, click below). Man,
Reading Time: < 1 minute It appears Heelys is well prepared to the new school season. The other day I saw FinishLine has put the Heelys by the front entrance. Today I saw Sports Authority, and Dick’s Sporting Goods have new Heelys on display. Heelys has two seasons: the X’mas (winter) and “back to school” (summer). It will be interesting
Reading Time: < 1 minute Bought a little SNCI today. It’s a company makes hearing aids. I read it from Kiplinger’s Personal Finance August Issue in the weekend. Did a little research including reading its annual report. This is my speculative play, I put my bet on it because I think some of the positives include: 1) The company sold
Reading Time: < 1 minute 1) PTC woes: last week Goldman Sachs, the No. 1 broker in the US (and world), upgraded PTC (a PLM software vendor) to “buy”, and raised its target from $22 to $24. On July 5, PTC says it’s going to miss the 3rd revenue estimates. I guess the GS analyst would be pretty upset by
Reading Time: < 1 minute I don’t remember where I read this, but it says “losing 10% in a stock will make one feel 3 times worse than making 10% in a stock”. I think same thing can be said for the recent iPhone activation fiasco (story 1, story 2). I am sure there are a lot more happy iPhone
Reading Time: < 1 minute I tried the real iPhone this afternoon at West County Apple Store. Obviously the store is more crowded because of all the iPhone craziness. I played the “photo”, and “phone” functions, the Youtube and iPod seemed not working very well. To use the phone to call somebody, I need to hit the only “home” button,
Reading Time: < 1 minute I read it from Keso’s blog, although I have not got mail from Yahoo itself. Guess Keso is a much important customer to Yahoo π Anyway, Yahoo graciously offers serveral migration tools to other sites, such its very own Flickr and Shutterfly. So guys (gals), hurry up, don’t want until Sept. 20 to migrate your
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update June 29) It’s not surprising that Team Yi (Yi Jianlian, his agent and advisors) are not happy with being selected by Milwaukee, accoring to this Chinese news. They even threatened “not come to Milwaukee”. Duh? Please note in this business of NBA, even super star like Steve Nash does not get to choose the
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