Category: Fun

Reading Time: < 1 minute Also, I will be visiting families and probablly not updating this blog for a week or so.

December 24, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes For the mutual fund, besides being the leader in its category each year, one key performance measure is to beat the bench market index. For instance, if a fund is invested in emerging markets, one key bench mark is MSCI emerging market index (EFM, an ETF tracks this index). For reference, the index is up

December 21, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute It priced at $26, according to AP news. I did NOT bid on NetSuite IPO eventually. Two things: it raised price range from initial 13-16 to 16-19; and I noticed NetSuite is not profitable so far. On the other hand, when its bigger rival, the on-demand software provider SalesForce (CRM) did IPO in 2004, it

December 19, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Since the economy is so bad, I am going to give away some gift certificates for Just do my part to boost the US economy 🙂 Seriously, I am going to give away up to Four $25 gift certificates (valid in the US only), to the loyal supporters and friendly commentators of this wonderful

November 27, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes The other day, I heard some interesting words on the TV: If you want to be happy for a day, buy a lottery ticket; if you want to be happy for a week, buy a new car; if you want to be happy for a year, (don’t remember exactly) buy a new house; if you

November 26, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Copied from DanBin’s blog. 2007年感恩节礼物——人生八宝 人生八宝: 1、结交两个好友:运动场,图书馆。 2、配备两个医生:运动,乐观。 3、练好两项本领:做人,做事。 4、多吃两样东西:吃苦,吃亏。 5、构建两个支柱:人文知识,科学素养。 6、追求两个一致:兴趣和事业一致,爱情和婚姻一致。 7、记住两个秘诀:健康秘诀在早上,成功秘诀在晚上。 8、争取两个极致:把潜力发挥到极致,把生命延续到极致。 生命如歌 感恩无言 为你祝福! 这是我的友人发给我的2007年感恩节礼物 与博友分享,也祝福你们!

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes My wife joked with me that I ONLY got talktive and excited when talking about the stocks. I know that is largely true, and that was the case with yesterday evening’s gathering with my old friends. The good thing is unlike my wife, my friends are also interested in stocks. For me, it is always

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I got this GE 5.8 GHz cordless phone and Logitech QuickCam, at Office Depot (near Clayton and Big Bend). The phone costs $4.99 after mail-in rebate, and two QuickCams cost $9.99 after MIR, plus tax. It appears to me OfficeDepot has some deals that BestBuy or Circuit City don’t offer. Another nice thing is OD

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Signs that I spoke Chinese too much lately 🙂 This morning I went to St. Louis bread co. to get bagel and coffee. The cashier/servant asked “how can I help you?”. And I said: 那个(na ge means let me see), (realized I was speaking Chinese) Asiago Cheese bagel bread sliced, and a small coffee, for

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Well, except Wall Street, I have plenty of people to be thankful about… 1) My parents and my family members: without you I will not be where I am today. Or maybe I will be an investor banker (more likely a financial analyst) in Shanghai? Just kidding. 2) My wife and her family members: there

November 21, 2007
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