Category: Fun

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update Mar 05) My wife Shanzi had a nice write up (and pics) about yesterday’s snow. In Chinese. (Original) We had a 10 inch snow (huge by St. Louis standard) today. It took me more than 1 hour to drive from my work place to home, which usually takes 15 minutes. Of course I took

March 4, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes For entertain purpose only, note I am not endorsing any one of the canidates 🙂 Super Tuesday surprise 1) Huckabee won 5 states in the south. Mitt, your “Huckabee is a spoiler” talk backfired. 2) The show me state (Missouri) voted for change; the coastal state (NY, CA) voted for more of the same. The

February 6, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute The miracle play of Eli Manning and his teammate. ELi is the little brother of Peyton Manning. I think this play will be remembered by people (at least me) for years… By the way, there is a super bowl indicator for the market, it says if NFC team wins the super bowl the market will

February 5, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes (eBay headquater, Sillicon Vally, 2008, copyright@Shanzi) Who is Meg Whittman? She is the CEO of eBay, and has been in that position for almost ten years, and she is leaving the job on March 31. I don’t personally know her (my friend Wang Jianshuo may have seen her). But from the CNBC show “eBay effect”,

January 24, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Shoe retailers Here are some of the major shoes stores in the US. Snapshot from the Shoe Carnival ICR XChange 2008 conference. X axis stands for the choices of shoes; Y axis stands for income level of customers. My own experience In recent years I bought most of my shoes shoes from online stores such

January 19, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Well, if one does not, like Under Armor who skipped ICR XChange conference this year, rumors will go out. Quote StreetInsider “Under Armour (UA) Sinks On Fears Of Back-End Weighted ’08 Earnings” January 17, 2008 11:01 AM EST Shares of Under Armour, Inc. (NYSE: UA) are under heavy pressure this morning which is being attributed

January 17, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes I know no broker offer this as an option in IRA. But how about buying Berkshire (BRK.A, BRK.B) over mutual funds in a taxable brokerage account? Not only does Berkshire has a track record which beats almost all mutual fund (21.4% annual compound return in last 42 years) and the 10.4% annual return of S&P

January 4, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes I came across this list of top 25 stocks in last 25 years from AOL money and finance. The original article was appeared on USAToday Sept 15, 2007. Note statistically, a sample of 25 is too small to draw any scientific conclusion. But I found a few things to be interesting nonetheless. 1) Two money

January 4, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes The following was my the new year resolution for year 2007. I am putting my comments in italic. Personal Spend more quality time with family and friends; cut Internet and TV time. Did the first part, I did spend more time with my parents, brother’s family, and my wife (girl-friend). Whether quality or not is

January 3, 2008
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