Reading Time: 2 minutes Week in review 042009 – 042509 According to Obama administration‘s stress test, the magic number is 19. Basically they are saying the US gov will do whatever necessary to keep the big ones afloat because they are systematically important. Or in laymen’s words, they are too big to fail. Sorry, those smaller ones, I mean
Reading Time: < 1 minute The plan Tim Geithner (WSJ): My Plan for Bad Bank Assets (aka Public Private Investment Partnership, PPIP); Treasury dept press release. Notice the PPIP will leverage the TALF program launched by Fed recently. Here is a picture explains how PPIP works with TALF. (click to enlarge) I think it’s important to read those before reading
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 31March09) Wells Fargo is saying they may cut foreign staff (source: marketWatch). (Original) I was expecting Coca Cola’s proposed Huiyuan Juice acquistion go through, but obviously things did not turn out as I expected. While the free trade people in the US are upset by this, they should remember in 2005, the US congress
Reading Time: < 1 minute Alan Greenspan, the former Fed chairman wrote an article The Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble on WSJ to defend himself. He was saying his low fed rate from 2003 to 2005 is NOT the cause for the housing bubble, and current financial crisis. Interesting stuff. I remember Oct. Anderson Cooper (CNN) did a series
Reading Time: 2 minutes This is the second part of my thoughts on bank nationalization, I hope President Obama and his finance team can read my blog, as they are thinking through the “bank rescue”, the No. 1 issue facing this country, and the world economy for that matter. As I said in my previous post, bank nationalization appears
Reading Time: < 1 minute I remember years ago (in dot com era) there is a book named Dow 36,000. Obviously that predication was a laughing stock becaue Dow crashed in year 2000. No I am not trying to make a fool of myself, my title Dow 5,000 is merely to reflect today the Dow and S&P dropped to 12
Reading Time: < 1 minute What is nationalization This is my understanding. Usually a company has 3 types of capital: debt, preferred stock, common stock. In terms of ownership the equity holders (common stock holders) own the company. We say they borrow from the debt holders: in return they pay interest and principle to the debt holders down the road.
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been a Borders customer for a long time, most times buying coffees while studying (reading books) there, from time to time I also bought some computer or finance related books, such as Effective C++, My Life as a Quant, etc. One benefit of buying books at Borders (compared to Amazon) is getting the
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update May 2020) I found from this website, it seems the US consumer saving rate went up a bit in last 5 years, from 6%, 8% to most recent 13% . I can understand the last part due to pandemic. In fact our restaurant eat out (to go, take out) shrunk a lot. My wife is
Reading Time: 2 minutes Amid all these financial crisis, I will fly to Shanghai tomorrow: not to rescue the economy but I will get first hand glimpse on China economy. Shanghai is the economy center of China, just like New York is the financial center of the US. The mood in the US is not good. The Big 3
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