Category: China

Reading Time: < 1 minute I have stayed in the Home Inn (Rujia) for a while. My hometown friend, who is a small business owner, recommended it to me in 2004. Since then I would stay at this motel for my China trip, because it’s clean and fit my budget. Not supersingly, Wang Jianshuo also recommended it in his blog. I stayed

September 6, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I came back to Shanghai last Saturday. To be honest, after stayed in Midwest US for long time, I felt not very comfortable at Shanghai. The most obvious thing is the physical distance between people is much closer. The traffic and the (need to) walk instead of driving. I am not complaining here. I think similar thing will

September 4, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Li Jia Jun, the legend Chinese short track speed skater, announced his retirement today. Here is the news (in Chinese). And here is his picture. The thing I like him is he never quits. Let’s wish him well upon retirement.  

August 17, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is going to be huge, if proved to be true. Here is a link about the sponsorship news. A few months ago I saw an article on WSJ talking about LiNing signed up Damon Jones of Cleveland Cavaliers. I don’t have the link of original WSJ article but here is a press release from

August 4, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I like ice cream. The one I liked most is not hagen daz, it’s a little known place called Ted Drewes. If you do a google search on “st. louis frozen custard”, it will show up on the top. It’s located at Chippewa, very close to my old apartment. This is a very popular place in St. Louis. In the

July 28, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute The gas price is creeping up again. This weekend the regular unlead costs about $3.00 here in St. Louis. Last time it broke the $3 barrier is post Katrina. It seems siutation is not going to improve in the near future due to geopolitical reasons (Iran, North Korea), more importantly, the supply and demand trend.

July 8, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute 前两天说到找Roommate, 有各种各样的人回应. 从种族上分, 有白人, 黑人, 印度人, 中国人. 其实找Roommate毕竟不是找老婆, 没必要那么认真. 我不是种族歧视, 但是我对美国的黑人还是有一些切身体会, 憋在心里不吐不快. 我有一个中国朋友特别不喜欢, 看不起黑人, 同时又有点害怕黑人. 我想大多数在美国的中国人也抱有类似的心理. 主要原因还是因为缺少了解. 说实话, 黑人多数是比较穷, 可能在有的方面素质差一些, 但是他们毕竟比华人早来新大陆一二百年, 在政治上的地位和自我的感觉比我们华人不知道要高(好)多少. 这听上去可能有点不可思忆, 却是不争的事实. 前不久在电视上看到这样一个的故事, 一个在美国出生的亚裔(成功女性), 人家这样问她: Where are you from? 从心底里面, 多数人还是认为我们这些黑眼睛黄皮肤的人”是从其它地方来的”. 这在我所在的美国中西部就很明显. 就我个人而言, 我碰到过很好的黑人(我的同事), 也碰到过极差的黑人. 我的黑人同事Programmer, 他是我们公司最好的Programmer之一, 曾经上过MIT, 人也极好(Nice). 反过来, 当我刚来St.Louis住在公司附近(黑人较多), 曾经接到过黑人的骚扰电话, 放在家门口的拖鞋无故不见, 出去散步回来发现房门是开的. 总之叫了两回警察. 最倒霉的一次, 过绿灯时车被一个黑人撞了(估计是急着去上班). 跟她说好大家把车都停到加油站, 结果她趁机跑掉. 第二天自己当了一回侦探把她抓到, 她又没有买保险. 说到这, 又想起一个一面之交的黑人. 有一回买了个27寸的电视, 从停车场吃力地往家搬, 有个黑人兄弟正好看到, 二话没说就过来帮忙. 说了这么多,

June 25, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Shortky after I wrote the web 2.0 article, I got comment from Andy and he mentioned his new site I checked it out and it was cool. As I said when I first saw the about a year ago, I thought it was a very useful tool. Basically it combines the listings on Craigslist

June 21, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I saw the following from Joel on Software . I had some hard time trying to understand it. Is he looking to be a distributor of foreign software company? Or he is interested in doing outsourcing work for foreign companies? I am thinking, this English problem (if typical among Chinese software industry), does present oppertunities.

June 18, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute From mitbbs ================================================ 出租司机给我上的MBA课 我要从徐家汇赶去机场,于是匆匆结束了一个会议,在美罗大厦前搜索出租车。一辆 大众发现了我,非常专业的、径直的停在我的面前。这一停,于是有了后面的这个让 我深感震撼的故事,象上了一堂生动的MBA案例课。为了忠实于这名出租车司机的原 意,我凭记忆尽量重复他原来的话。 “去哪里……好的,机场。我在徐家汇就喜欢做美罗大厦的生意。这里我只做两个地 方。 美罗大厦,均瑶大厦。你知道吗?接到你之前,我在美罗大厦门口兜了两圈,终于 被 我看到你了!从写字楼里出来的,肯定去的不近~~~” “哦?你很有方法嘛!”我附和了一下。 “做出租车司机,也要用科学的方法。”他说。我一愣,顿时很有些兴趣“什么科学的 方法?” “要懂得统计。我做过精确的计算。我说给你听啊。我每天开17个小时的车,每小时成 本34.5元……” “怎么算出来的?”我追问。

March 17, 2006
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