Category: Career

Reading Time: < 1 minute Mindray, the leading medical device maker in Shenzhen, is hiring. Here is the link in Chinese. Most are R&D positions. And some campus recruiting events. Interestingly, I noticed they are looking for Spanish, Portuguese, German and Russian speaking sales person, as shown in this ad. From this and previous company’s SEC filings we can see the company still

February 27, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw this from haiguinet, I thought it’s a good one. The original article is here. ================================================= 深圳美企诚聘 找人真难,急煞老总!!!深圳美企诚聘品质工程师, 制造工程师,ERP / JD Edward 实施顾问 各位大侠有好人选可以推荐给我们吗? 我们公司不差,条件不低.可几个engineering level 的职位找了一年了,不知为何就是找不到人. 看来,制造业已经不是一将难求了,好兵帅克都难找啊!难道所有的人都跟着安校长去做了投行? 全球最大的消毒类一次性医疗仪器和耗材的供应商,现诚邀有潜质之精英加盟本公司: 1、Quality Engineer(品质工程师) 理工科本科以上学历;3年以上医疗器械行业, 或电子,五金, 注塑行业QA工作经验,了解医疗器械行业质量体系标准ISO13485及其它相关法规者优先考虑;良好的团队合作精神与沟通协调能力;英文读写良好,电脑操作熟练。 2、Manufacturing Engineer(制造工程师) 理工科本科以上学历;有三年以上注塑、五金方面的工作经验;曾从事过工装夹具的设计,会熟练使用Auto CAD;有医疗器械行业工作经验,熟悉医疗器械行业者优先考虑;良好的团队合作精神与沟通协调能力;英文良好,电脑操作熟练 3、ERP / JD Edward Implementation Consultant (ERP / JD Edward 实施顾问) 两年以上JDE Enterprise one系统实施经验,熟悉JDE ERP系统设计及数据库,能独立设计实施方案并带领实施完成,英语熟练,能用英语与美国同事沟通,有在JDE公司工作背景者优先考虑。财务、制造模块实施顾问要求有良好的财务、制造流程知识及工作经验 ========================================== It appears

October 31, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes From time to time I had the oppertunity to work with gurus, I mean, the expert, or the genius in the field. I think I enjoyed my time spent with them from time to time. Although I had to admit those days were not easy 🙁 In the second year of my graduate school, I took a

August 30, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently a few friends completed graduate study, and got full time positions. They asked me the question: how to start in the new company? Or put in another way, how to win the trust from the boss/coworkers, and do well in the new company? While I don’t think I am expert on all these, I do believe I have learned

August 27, 2006
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