Category: Business

Reading Time: < 1 minute Q&A about housing price in China, by Vanke (000002.SZ) Chairman Wang Shi. He wrote those Q&A in his own blog. I put it together here because it’s a bit hard to read 7 articles separately. I left out couple tables because it’s hard to paste. I’m interested in the Chinese housing for two reasons: 1)

January 25, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update noon Jan 18) Opps, the Bush rally only last couple hours 🙁 Seriously, I do welcome this $1,600 per family tax rebate. Maybe a trip to Europe this Spring? Oh well, that won’t help the US economy directly. (Original) I mean, to the stock market. Yesterday, after Ben spoke in Congress and painted a

January 18, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute The following screen shot is from Capital Week Jan 5, 2008 We know from Jan 1 2008 China will have a unified corp tax rate of 25% (some tax rebate for certain industry and foreign enterprises will still apply for a while). It appears retailer, bank, home builder, and telecom (include mobile phone) will be

January 12, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in review 12-09 to 12-15 1) China central bank, along with China Banking Regulatory Commission, defined “what is second home” for the lending purpose: it will be measured against a family (husband and wife), not individual. See this NetEase news. 12月11日,央行、银监会联合发布《关于加强商业性房地产信贷管理的补充通知》明确规定,以借款人家庭为单位认定房贷次数。另外,如果首套住房人均面积低于当地平均水平,再贷款购房还是按照首套标准执行。业内人士解释,以家庭为单位来界定,就相当于夫妻双方无论任何一方有向银行申请房贷的记录,另外一方再贷款买房,都要按照房贷新政执行,即提高首付比例的同时,贷款利率按照现行贷款基准利率的1.1倍来计算。 For more info, check out Baidu. A smart move to contain the housing

December 16, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Week in review Dec 2 to Dec 8 1) All remaining CompUSA stores to be closed (bloomberg). I think it’s understandable from business point of view, because selling computer is a tough business these days. It is a commodity business, and unlike other commodity such as gas or coffee, a customer only buy a new

December 9, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Buffett talks about “durable competitive edge” a lot. Here is a video (scroll down the article) he used Berkshire mill, the first major company he bought in 19060s, as an example to explain this concept. Also I watched the “Buffett goes global” show on CNBC in the weekend, I am sure CNBC will run it

December 3, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in progress 11/25 to 12/01/07 1) Panera to buy back up to USD 75 millions (worth) of shares from a broker (see the news here). The is in contrast to Crocs panic buy back announced on Nov. 1, amid the sharp fall of its stock price after it announced Q3 result. Last I looked

November 29, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Vanke is No. 1 home builder in China. Today. Vanke A share (000002) went up 10% in Shenzhen, after it moved sideways for about two months. Note today is the first trading day after China national holiday break. Real estate companies in China don’t get much respect these days. No matter how many new homes

October 8, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Last week one of the biggest news in consumer electronics arena is Apple decided to cut the iPhone price. Consider Apple just started shipping iPhone in late June, this move is a blow to its most loyal customers (early adopters). Apple quickly responded to the angry customers by offering $100 credit (source: From my

September 10, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute 1) Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks, talked about competition from McDonald and Dokin Donuts. Starbucks is not an advertiser. If other companies are going to advertise and promote specialty coffee, Starbucks is going to benefit in the long term,” he said. 2) iPhone price cut and iPod touch launch: Steve Jobs announced Apple will cut

September 7, 2007
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