Category: advice and tips

Reading Time: 2 minutes Some friends asked me about the year end tax moves, such as the tax loss selling etc. Here is a good article on the topic – Tax-Loss Harvesting: What It Is, How It Works. My take on tax: this is at least secondary maybe even more down the priority list. The No. 1 priority in

December 19, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes Using Spoken English the 1st time in the USA 97年夏天我第一次来美国,我的飞机航班是东航上海虹桥(SHA) 到洛杉矶 (LAX, China Eastern MU 583), 当时好像用的是麦道11(Btw, 93年好像有一次事故),再从洛杉矶坐TWA航班飞圣路易斯(STL)。我在洛杉矶机场犯了一个不大不小的错误。我当时很想上厕所,急着从机场(入境处和海关)出来,结果一出来就拿错了行李。等我发现我拿错了,我已经出了海关,我赶紧用我的英语跟美国机场的工作人员解释,还好他听懂了,让我进去跟东航的地勤人员说上话,交换了行李(取到了我自己的行李)。这个箱子是当时上海第一百货的牌子,估计我们都是在一百买的,这个箱子实用也较便宜。这一次是我的口语第一次在美国派到用场。 PS: 大概在2005/6年在圣村的机场,又碰到一件类似的事情,这一次是Diplomat的灰色硬壳箱。对方把我的箱子拿到家以后,没有多想,直接撬锁。后来她通过航空公司陪了我大概是五十还是一百块钱(USD):她没有拿我的东西,就是赔我的坏掉的箱锁。那个箱子今年回国才退休。Also: I have other stories with the diplomat luggage (1 and 2) back in 2007 when I tried to replace a broken wheel. So this one really last for a long time: at least from 2007

December 18, 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I made a pretty bad mistake on my presentation. Basically, I messed up my audio shortly after I got started, and I was not aware of it for about 6 minutes or so: until I realized I was kicked out the meeting. The audio issue was caused by my airpods losing battery, and I

March 25, 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minute St. Louis County COVID-19 Vaccines (pre-register) Providers (hospitals in alphabetical order) BJC Mercy SSM St. Luke Precautions / things to pay attention before taking vaccines.

February 3, 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minute FB Patch betterholmdeleducation (Platform) data, media (social media, year sign, email etc) Linda Zhang Irfan Lateef Ladue 2012 Ladue School Board Candidate Q&A With Sheri Glantz ” If funding allows, adding the option of Chinese to our foreign language department would be a priority.” (do I hear any volunteer here? Kidding. I mean a part time

December 12, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes Masks are much more widely available, and much more widely accepted now, compared to the early days of shutdown, or in February when the US was not directly impacted by COVID. I recall buying masks at Chinese grocery store, also at the (a subsidiary of Alibaba that serves customers outside of China). Also friends

July 13, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes This IRA account was a bit unusual, as I took some meaningful losses earlier on. Then from 2017 (maybe a little bit more earlier, but I only have the balance history since Jan 3, 2017), things started to look up. In last 3.5 years, the CAGR is about 54.54%. My bigger winner during this time

July 11, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I started to look at other 401k accounts I have and evaluate whether I need to make any adjustments. This is a continuation of my earlier post. In the past I do looked at them from time to time, but was not on a fixed schedule or anything. But I did start making some

July 3, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I had a small scare at the CC lake. I was chatting with friends while keep an eye on Sophia the 5 year old. Serenity the 10 year old went paddle boarding with friend with their moms permission. I found out after the fact, and when I asked the moms (my wife and Serenity

June 27, 2020

Reading Time: < 1 minute First I want to make a quick announcement, I moved my website from to as I decided no longer paying for the domain name Today incidentally I found people grabbed my previous domain. Back to topic, while the guard for Covid is way down in the US. Please note it’s not completely

June 24, 2020
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