Reading Time: < 1 minute 感觉这个市场还是有些泡沫的. EV 就不说了:昨天傍晚🌆的时候开车时我的七岁小女儿说看到一个Tesla. I was thinking buy a share of $TSLA just now, but I changed to $F instead [呲牙] || Separately I noticed NerdWallet the personal finance / credit card 💳 bonus website went public last week. I worked in the credit card rewards space in the past and I used to get some
Reading Time: < 1 minute Tried two two tutorials on my personal GCP. hello world cloud storage (upload a file, then return a public url for download; another download link) I may delete those bucket and files later on, as hosting costs money (app engine, cloud storage). Update: I disabled the app (here is one article talking about disable /
Reading Time: 2 minutes For most Americans, Zoom meeting probably becomes the hottest potato in last few weeks, as we saw the pandemic situation got worse: New York, New Orleans, Detroit, Dallas, and so on. I started to using Zoom about a year ago when I started my new job, and the product experience was good. Note I have
Reading Time: < 1 minute Hank: about Hank Paulson, available at Netflix Too Big To Fail: on Amazon Prime I am only curious about Wall Street and movies by Michael Lewis
Reading Time: < 1 minute I was thinking about this as we are at least expecting one month of distance learning for our two kids (K and 4th grade) due to the lockdown of Coronavirus pandemic. Ladue School use google suite and I think they may use google classroom for some or most teacher / students interactions. I was thinking
Reading Time: < 1 minute The news coming from Italy is heartbreaking: Italy lost nearly 800 people in one day due to Coronavirus. Overall Italy lost more people than the epicenter of outbreak in China’s Hubei province (Wuhan is the capital city of Hubei, with 11 millions people). I think Italy has a population comparable to Hubei’s. In my high
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have my first experience of working from home amid financial crisis in Nov 2008. I started a new job with Autodesk consulting division at the time, after working for my previous employer for 8+ years. My intention is to get more customer engagement experience, and also if I stayed, I would probably stay for
Reading Time: 2 minutes The US stock market started to feel the heat of corona virus in recent weeks. This week is the worst in term of the percentage loss (8%) and the fear of the market. Along the same lines, so much fear among the ordinary people due to the news such as Tom Hanks got infected, NBA
Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw some good personal finance quiz recently. 70 percent of Americans can’t answer these 3 basic money questions Pop Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Personal Finance Rutgers personal health and finance quiz
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 17-Apr-2019) I recently changed job again and also did some adjustments on old 401k, after leaving much of them alone since 2009. I did moved some money from small 401k to an IRA account (those employers asked me to move the money out). I made some mistakes during the IRA investing, and was reluctant
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