Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute Buffett released his annual letter to shareholder last Friday, which I will discuss in next few days. First let me lay out my 5 year observations about Buffett and many other money managers. 1) Buffett will tell you his stock Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A and BRK.B) is expensive all the time (don’t buy it); while money

March 3, 2008

Reading Time: 3 minutes I have written an article talking about why Chinese companies come to list in NYSE or Nasdaq a while ago. This is a topic warrants more than one article, amid the VISA filing for IPO and recent controversy of Chinese companies (Ping’an and Pu Fa) tried to do secondary in Shanghai. So let me talk

February 29, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Coca Cola stock vs. Starbucks stock In last 10 years (Mar 6 1998 to today Feb 28 2008), according Google Finance, SBUX went up from 4.93 to 18.78 (+280%, split adjusted, SBUX has not paid any dividend). That’s about 14% price appreciation annually. On the other hand, KO went from 68.66 to 59.56 (-14.44%).

February 28, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes The caffeine effect Which one has the most caffeine? A tall (12 fl oz, or 355 ml) brewed coffee, a tall latte with one shot of espresso (both at Starbucks), and a can (12 fl oz) classic Coca Cola? Your instant answer maybe the latte (espresso), but the correct answer is the brewed coffee. According

February 27, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute I found this Samsung A437 cell phone deal through dealsea. I was thinking about replacing my good old Nokia 6010, not that I am not satisfied with the voice quality etc. I would like to get a flip phone (6010 is a candy bar phone, and I have to lock the keypad to avoid placing

February 26, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Study for CFA Not just for the passing of the test, or the certificate, but also to learn the knowledge, which is more important for me. Actually as I read the quantatitive fundmental, I can connect the dots with my portfolio performance. Very practical stuff. Blogging It’s likely I will reduce the number of posts

February 25, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute By technical analysis (TA), I mean those candle charts, wave theory etc. Those are techniques day traders use frequently to make small profit out of price fluctuation. Nothing against it, but I feel those techniques are not useful for long term investors. Actually from I read, Buffett also learned all those stuff before, but obviously

February 25, 2008

Reading Time: 1 minute Yes, the long anticipated credit card giant is filing for the IPO. Here is its S1 prospectus. I have not read the S1, but from what I read (from MSNBC), they are going to raise up to $10 billion. That’s the largest IPO in US since 2000, and it’s the category of China ICBC’s IPO

February 25, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute 来美国已有十年, 美国大选也经历了三届. 从两千(1999)年的布什, 戈尔佛罗里达选举大战, 到最后最高法院介入. 套用我前同事的话, 最高法院(注意: 不是老百姓)选了布什. 2004年, 民主党想夺回白宫, 不少仁人志士跃跃欲试, 参与初选. 先是狄恩(HOWARD DEAN), 这老兄本是医科出身, 偶然的机会参政, 任美国东北部佛蒙特州长十余年, 倒是把这个东北农业州治理得井井有条. 想必也与医生出身, 做事理性务实有关. 他在任内最主要成就, 是实现了州财政盈余. 要知道在他当政之前该州多年财政赤字. 言归正传, 狄兄作为小州的州长, 虽有政绩, 但是缺少资金和全国的名气. 他想到了一招, 用网络来传播他的施政纲领和筹款. 还记得MEETUP.COM, 这个(网上)组织聚会的网站, 当时的名气有点像现在的YOU TUBE. 不知道是DEAN和MEETUP是谁帮谁出了名, 结果是DEAN筹的款最多. IOWA(衣阿华)CAUCUS之前, 戈尔大哥也宣布支持DEAN. 看来民主党提名是非DEAN莫属. 民意调查也显示DEAN领先.

February 23, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Last two quarter earning report has dragged Crocs stock from $75 to around $25. Many analysts, bloggers, pundits, pretty-much-everybody-wears-shoes (and consequently knows the shoe business) think the stock price is reasonable now. That is, assume Crocs can unload its massive $250 million inventory successfully. By success I mean they did not give it away to

February 23, 2008
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