Author: stlplace

Reading Time: 2 minutes Particularly in the IT (software development) field. Obviously the No. 1 thing is “never give up”. I started looking about 9 months ago when I felt “the need to look”: both for defense (fear of lay off) and offense (opportunities better matching my interest and skill). I had to admit finding a job is not

February 18, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute First want to say “Happy Chinese New Year” to my readers. Chinese (lunar) New Year, the year of tiger, starts on Feb 14, 2010. Today is my last working day with my current employer. I switched to my current job about 15.5 months ago, in the middle of financial crisis (what an co-incident). I recall

February 12, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute It appears to me iPhone TV ads are more effective than Palm TV ads. First iPhone ads There’s an app for that

February 10, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute Got opportunity to play with Palm Pre for couple minutes in the weekend. Sprint kiosk at Chesterfield Mall has the real Pre (instead of the faked phones at many other places). I was very impressed by the screen, both the (multi) touch and the display. Surfed the web: amazon, ESPN etc. Zooming in and out

February 8, 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutes One big complaints on the new iPad is its lack of multitasking support. From technical perspective, I think that’s because iPad will be use iPhone OS, currently at 3.2 beta, and it does not support multitasking. It does support iPod (listening to music) and another task such as browsing web though. Some developers speculate Apple

February 6, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw the Palm Pre Plus ads by Verizon at PreCentral. I installed the GMail on my Nokia 5800. I could not remember why it did not work last year when I bought it first. The software on my Nokia 5800 is the same, but the GMail client may have changed. The user interface is kind

February 2, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute There are already a lot of talks about iPad now that Steve Jobs showed off his latest toy. The name is funky because “pad” has a lot of meaning, and there are people already making fun of that, such as this video at Youtube. But seriously, boy, this is cutting edge stuff in terms of

January 27, 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutes What a week. Stock market indices dropped significantly in last 3 trading days of the week, following many events in the week. 1. Scott Brown won MA senate race No one see this coming until recently. Looking back this is actually easy to understand. A few days before the Tuesday election, I was thinking, if

January 23, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute Maybe speculation lessons will be more appropriate. I bought 3 pharmaceutical stocks recently. With the outcome of MA senate race, US healthcare reform is unlikely be massive, which is good news for the pharmaceutical companies. I learned some lessons in the short span of trading small pharma stocks. I think it’s a good idea to

January 21, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 20Jan10) Removed the collision and comprehensive coverage from my 2001 Nissan Altima. This will cut the annual insurance premium in half: from $800 to $400. Now, find the other half of the car repair expense πŸ™‚ (Original) I googled my car “rough idle” problem (aka it sometimes shake hard when the car is stopped

January 18, 2010
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