Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute I received both the federal and state tax refund last week. Besides using the Turbo Tax from Bank of America site (get 35% off). For State (show me state) filing, I used paper filing, because state filing is usually simply enough, and also the Turbo Tax already gave me the estimate refund amount (so that

April 4, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 05-07-2010) I just found out some more details on how it works. Per BoA’s FAQ of the Keep the Change Program, “The matching funds will be credited annually to your savings account. This will take place within 8 weeks after the month of your enrollment anniversary for the Keep the Change® savings service.” (Update

March 29, 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutes I was referring to the First application at Hibernate (Jboss) offical documentation. I found some problems when doing the exercise: just want to share some of my findings so others may benefit. 1) dependency version missing: there are already some some discussions on the Hibernate discussion forum, such as this one and that one. I

March 28, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute ESPP stands for Employee Stock Purchase Plan. My former employer is a public company, and it offers a good ESPP plan: 15% discount of stock market price at the beginning or the end of plan period (pick the lower of the two prices, then apply 15% discount), the plan period is usually 6 months. I

March 21, 2010

Reading Time: 3 minutes I sold my few shares of Palm Friday morning shortly after opening. Palm (Nasdaq:PALM) share dropped 29% on Friday after horrific earning outlook (marketWatch). Palm is increasingly likely to say “bye bye” to its loyal customers in a year or two. Quote sobelmedia: ====== I’m never going to forget my very first Palm Pilot in

March 20, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute Sold stock ((NYSE:BEE) at a loss for tax deduction (in year end of 2009), but forgot to buy it back in Jan 2010. Now the stock doubled the price from where I sold it. I am not trying to predict the stock price in near term, or think “what if” from hindsight here. I think

March 11, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute She was born in St. John’s Mercy Medical center St. Louis, labor room 5, at 6:55 AM CST, on May 5 2010 (Friday). She weighs 7 pounds (3.15 kg). Mom and baby were both doing fine. Obviously our lives changed forever since her arrival. For me personally, I need to worry about two people instead

March 10, 2010

Reading Time: 1 minute link to 2009 PDF annual shareholder letter here. Buffett CNBC interview (part 1 here, following the link from part 1 to get to part 2 to 8 ) Recommend reading by Buffett Keynes’s *General Theory*, chapter 12 Intelligent Investor Chapter 8 and 20 My Notes

March 3, 2010

Reading Time: 4 minutes 1. Come up with products that is consistent (not sometimes work, sometimes don’t, see this old post from PreCentral guys). 2. Also come up with some smart ads (with Sprint and Verizon), something like this one from German carrier O2. O2 has about 11% market share in Germany per Yahoo Answers.

February 26, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute How to deal with 401k when leaving a job? Some options: 1) Take it out, with 10% penalty, and potential income tax later on. This is usually not recommended. 2) Rollover to an Rollover IRA; or Rollover to the new employer’s 401k. I did this once: not because of change of job, but because of

February 20, 2010
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