Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute Here is my theory. Years ago I heard people in China mentioned “Apple Phone” (苹果手机), for iPhone. This is particularly true for older generation as their grasp of English is not as good as younger generation. So this time they decided just go with Apple Watch 苹果手表. Note this is also their fourth main product

September 13, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Note 12-03-2015): for a more deep understanding of REST API and iOS usage of it, see this blog post by Mugunth Kumar. Very well written piece on REST. My tutorial below is meant to get hands dirty quickly on iOS web service calls 🙂 (Original 09-03-2014) Some example code here. For GET methods and AFNetworking

September 3, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute I just throw some technical questions out here. Note Ray Wenderlich has a series on this. BlackPixel has an article too. life cycle of UIViewController; NSString property copy or retain? frame vs bounds category vs subclass What is protocol (Apple doc; Ry’s Objective-C tutorial)? Create a protocol for List, and how to implement the “add”

August 26, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes We all know updating sqlite database on an existing iOS app could be tricky, esp. with any schema (table) changes. In the good old days when I was developing in-house app, I found out the app would crash when I added a column to the sqlite database, after merely updating the app. The problem was,

July 7, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes I found out this site was hacked yesterday evening, as I saw the loading of site on Safari was slower than usual. It also shows incorrect theme, more like a plain theme. With the admin link redirect to spammer site. I decided to tackle it right away. I recall about one year ago something similar

June 24, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes I have thought about this topic for a long time. I remember seeing at one place that an exceptional developer can do work usually done by 10 developers. Or in other words, he/she is a rockstar developer. Besides productivity, I think rockstar developer has the following traits: 1) Willing to share the knowledge with fellow

June 19, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute Dont’s Beat up people in code review or interview; Change other developers’ code without proper communication, or reasoning; worse, making the working code no longer work (sometimes to satisfying the “tests” 🙂 Do’s Learn, learn something everyday; Acknowledge our own limitations: acknowledge our mistakes if applicable, we all do make mistakes; In the same token,

June 18, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute Apple : the Swift language (unveiled in WWDC on June 2, 2014) Tutorials Developing iOS Apps Using Swift Tutorial Part 1 (Jameson Quave) References and reviews Matt Galloway : Swift Language Highlights: An Objective-C Developer’s Perspective ( The Verge : The Swift effect: Apple’s new programming language means way more iPhone developers and apps

June 6, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes Avoid the Payload validation error To shorten the review waiting time. I noticed this recently in my own apps update. The one without warning has much shorter review waiting time. The rationale is App thinks the app may use private API in this scenario (see this explanation on stackoverflow). From personal experience the one with

June 3, 2014
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