Reading Time: < 1 minute The news coming from Italy is heartbreaking: Italy lost nearly 800 people in one day due to Coronavirus. Overall Italy lost more people than the epicenter of outbreak in China’s Hubei province (Wuhan is the capital city of Hubei, with 11 millions people). I think Italy has a population comparable to Hubei’s. In my high
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have my first experience of working from home amid financial crisis in Nov 2008. I started a new job with Autodesk consulting division at the time, after working for my previous employer for 8+ years. My intention is to get more customer engagement experience, and also if I stayed, I would probably stay for
Reading Time: 2 minutes The US stock market started to feel the heat of corona virus in recent weeks. This week is the worst in term of the percentage loss (8%) and the fear of the market. Along the same lines, so much fear among the ordinary people due to the news such as Tom Hanks got infected, NBA
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 3 10-28-2020) Link to JoelOnSoftware (Update 2 10-27-2020) Java 1) What is the difference between and interface and an abstract class(pre Java 8)? 2) Name a design pattern you have used (or would like to use)? 3) How would you implement the Singleton Design Pattern? 4) Since Java 8, what is the preferred way
Reading Time: < 1 minute Build a CRUD App with ASP.NET Core 2.2 and Entity Framework Core One advantage I see using dotnet core is for .Net shops the transition is relatively smooth in terms of skill set. Second advantage is it’s cross platform (Windows, Mac and Linux): so in away it’s get the same cross platform capability as Java
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 11-23-2023) It’s funny, I found out when I changed the mac input mode from English to Chinese (Pin’yin), and it messed up all the special symbols in the javscript code, double quotes, semi colon, bracket etc. It’s probably due to the difference between Ascii and Unicode. (Update 10-14-2023) I messed up the folder name
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is the code that works (my code): Junit test code is here. I will add some ReadME as time permits. This is not as straightforward as it sounds. I didn’t get it working initially after spending hours on it 🙁
Reading Time: 4 minutes Baeldung : A Comparison Between Spring and Spring Boot Tutorials from Okta Working in progress Identity, Claims, Tokens – An OpenID Connect Primer, Part 1 of 3 (Micah Silverman, below 2 and 3, are also by Micah) OIDC in Action – An OpenID Connect Primer, Part 2 of 3 What’s in a Token? – An
Reading Time: < 1 minute H2 Database – Installation H2 Database – JDBC Connection (the only differs from the docs is we need to add “mem” before the “:~/test”. Otherwise it gives me error. Mixed mode Another Java H2 tutorial Last but not least, how much time should a coding test be? I feel couple hours are probably the way
Reading Time: < 1 minute Apache flink SE-Radio Episode 346: Stephan Ewen on Streaming Architecture; Software Engineering Daily Apache Flink with Stephan Ewen – Nov 2015; Spark and Streaming with Matei Zaharia – Feb 2018 AWS Streaming data
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