Author: stlplace

Reading Time: 2 minutes My car is making funny noise recently. So I made an appointment with a local Nissan dealership 9AM today, to take a look. The customer rep asked my phone numbers and the usual stuff. I gave them both my work number and mobile number (that turns out to be a mistake). He told me expect

December 21, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute I was pretty stressed out debugging a problem last two weeks. Luckily I saw the light at the end of the tunnel yesterday. I found out the cause: the tolerance of transform matrix. This is a tough problem because it appears to me the problem occurred without any pattern. But later on I realized out

December 21, 2005

Reading Time: 2 minutes Just watched Frontline on PBS. The topic is “Secret history of the credit card”. I thought it provides some very useful information. We all know the US economy is very much depependent on consumer spending. And the credit cards are used more and more by consumers. I remember a story my “American mom” told me.

December 20, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute A good friend of my brother recently visited St. Louis. He is an avid reader and used book collector. Although I like to read too but I have to admit I am not at his level in terms of reading breadth and expertise. Neverthless, we spent quite some time in two of the used book

December 20, 2005

Reading Time: 2 minutes I saw this from “Sage Brennan’s this week in China” at MarketWatch. I have been to Chatea (Yi Cha Yi Zuo 一茶一坐) at Huangzhou in 2004 and was very impressed by the settings and the service. Also walked outside a store in Xu Jia Hui (Shanghai) during dinner time and the waiting line was just

December 20, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute Added a few more links: notablly, the google maps mania talks about the fun “mash ups” around google map; and HUST blog, HUST stands for Huazhong University and Science and Technology (my undergraduate school). Interestingly enough, I saw some of the bloggers on HUST blog also worked for my current employer (UGS). “Add to My

December 19, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute Although it won’t be as big as Beijing 2008, St. Louis 2006 US Figure Skating Championship will be a treat for the local skating fans. Last Thursday I got to know we will have this event from Jan 7 to 15. So I started looking for a ticket for the Ladies Free Skate. I watched

December 18, 2005

Reading Time: 2 minutes This morning I went to 3 local Best Buy stores. I knew my chance of getting a Xbox 360 would be as same as winning a lottery. But I went anyway because I was already awake at 7:15 AM. There was a little flurry but I made it to the Best Buy Bridgeton location at

December 18, 2005

Reading Time: 2 minutes Working in the software development these days also means working with people all over the world. Most notablly, Indian software engineers. I have great respect with my Indian colleagues. I know some of them from my graduate school. But I have to admit I don’t like Indian food. I have been to Indian restaurants in

December 16, 2005

Reading Time: 2 minutes As software developer finding and fixing the bugs (defects in software) is just a way of life. I have been debugging (find the cause) a tough problem lately. During debugging sometimes I wished I would have another job. But when I solved a real problem, the satisfaction can not be easily described by words. I

December 16, 2005
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